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    • 2 hours ago, Mimi22 said:

      Hi Linda, thanks for your reply. The reason I said mechanic is that it is a leak in the truck, not the RV. I can find people to work on the RV portion of my vehicle or do it myself. The reason I say a mechanic for my RV is because it is an RV and not just a truck and therefore needs to be serviced somewhere that can handle that size vehicle. I am specifically looking for a recommended mechanic who will work on an old 1990 Toyota, which is proving very hard to find suddenly because many who used to work on them retired or changed their service bays to longer accommodate these large size vehicles.. I found out yesterday that it is an oil leak after putting cardboard under to catch it.  
      So again, looking for recommendations for mechanics in the twin cities area of MN who will do mechanic work on my 1990 Toyota RV. 

      You need to find a shop that works on large commercial trucks. Their lifts can easily accommodate your rv.

      Mechanic’s is mechanic’s. Many large trucks are 1980’s and 1990’s vintage.

      Any knowledgeable mechanic can fix your truck. Those that refuse, just aren’t interested.

    • Hi Linda, thanks for your reply. The reason I said mechanic is that it is a leak in the truck, not the RV. I can find people to work on the RV portion of my vehicle or do it myself. The reason I say a mechanic for my RV is because it is an RV and not just a truck and therefore needs to be serviced somewhere that can handle that size vehicle. I am specifically looking for a recommended mechanic who will work on an old 1990 Toyota, which is proving very hard to find suddenly because many who used to work on them retired or changed their service bays to longer accommodate these large size vehicles.. I found out yesterday that it is an oil leak after putting cardboard under to catch it.  
      So again, looking for recommendations for mechanics in the twin cities area of MN who will do mechanic work on my 1990 Toyota RV. 

    • You're not asking them to work on your RV. You're asking them to work on your truck. Is the leak truck related or in the motorhome. If in the motorhome try separate repairmen. One you need for a tune up and another to find the coach leak. I do see an RV repairman on the local craigslist so mobile service

      Linda S

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