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Everything posted by WME

  1. 50% chance its a bag, 50% chance its the hoses. Make some soapy water and spray all the fittings and bag looking for bubbles. A leak in the bottom of the bag can sometime be Slimed to stop the leak. If its the top of bag, its time for new bags
  2. If its a green single cylinder with sorta a separate generator its likely an AJ. If its in a green box with small black hatch its a Microlite. The AJ is 3kw and the Microlite is 2.8kw
  3. The Mini Mach are 7000-9200 BTUs depending on the year. My Escaper had a 13,5K BTU, a hot shot starting capacitor and a 2.8kw Onan Mico Light generator
  4. This is an older ONAN generator, open all your exterior hatches and look. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ONAN-4-0-RV-GENSET-GENERATOR-4KVA-SINGLE-PHASE-S-N-C803513803/112964503705?epid=1353188441&hash=item1a4d358899:g:w6UAAOSwK~da42SF This what an older Kohler generator looks like. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ONAN-4-0-RV-GENSET-GENERATOR-4KVA-SINGLE-PHASE-S-N-C803513803/112964503705?epid=1353188441&hash=item1a4d358899:g:w6UAAOSwK~da42SF Both are large, noisy and expensive. The previous owner would surely be touting their existence.
  5. Found it!!! https://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-RTH221B1021-E1-Programmable-Thermostat/dp/B0088A5X5G/ref=dp_ob_title_hi
  6. Yea what we really need is a single day programmable thermostat, they are 60-90$. I mean really when we are on vacay everyday is a weekend. BUT the basic 5-2 day programmable are only $35. So too complicated is cheaper ?
  7. It depends on the length of the "fish", Ive used welding rod as the tool. Several times good and several time not good. I hit a cross support of some kind.
  8. Go big, easy 2 wire hook up...https://www.homedepot.com/p/Lux-5-2-Day-Universal-Application-Programmable-Thermostat-LTX500U-A04/204356308
  9. This is a very smart device. Charges both batterys from converter or truck alternator. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Victron-Cyrix-ct-12-24V-120A-Intelligent-Battery-Combiner/171934028788?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  10. Step 1 remove inside cover. You will find a large screw in each corner. Tighten them. Rain Check with a water hose. Step 2 If it still leaks then follow Maineah's plan.
  11. Hope this helps https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2FgVE5aYL&id=132B2A50AE284025F14660490BEB7314D5903985&thid=OIP._gVE5aYLWX78QX2LJkW2kQAAAA&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pirate4x4.com%2Fforum%2Fattachments%2Fgeneral-4x4-discussion%2F567461d1293624859-whats-inside-aluminum-propane-tank-propane-tank0507.jpg&exph=355&expw=300&q=diagram+inside+a+removable+20+lb+rv+propane+cylinder&simid=608027213723140424&selectedindex=7&qpvt=diagram+inside+a+removable+20+lb+rv+propane+cylinder&ajaxhist=0
  12. Your propane tanks are NOT "Blue Rhino" type BBQ tanks. They are a special RV tank. They are designed to be filled vertically and used horizontal. If you use a BBQ tank horizontally you will introduce liquid propane in to your lines. That makes big flames at your stove or even a big bang. Major Bad JuJu. They are DOT tanks and will need to be cleaned up and add some fresh paint, then re-certified. AMSE RV propane tanks are lifetime certified. DO NOT gut a working Sunradar, there are way to many "cheap gutted projects" out there. Use yours for a couple of seasons and decide what your really need to change to make you happy. BUT these folks did it right, a long entertaining read some weekend..http://www.boundfornowhere.com/blog/build-out-week-1-2 The blog is 21 "weeks" long, you could probably buy a gently used Winnebago View if you added their labor to all the parts. Possible stove problem is the thermostat..looks like this sorta...https://www.ebay.com/p/Atwood-52709-Wedgewood-Thermostat/1526270086?iid=132234781120&chn=ps
  13. Gas tank is easy $175, fuel tank sender harder. Maybe $50, but they are in Thailand
  14. Construction adhesive from the inside. Any more holes BAD.
  15. Your making things way to complicated. Just hook up the battery, do proper battery maintenance and your golden. You need the battery to run fans, pump water, flush the toilet while traveling. If you just have to do this, just get a 50 amp switch and place it in the + battery to "disconnect" the battery when hooked up to shore power.
  16. Connect it. You might want water or something on the trip. If you have the old style converter just install a 24 hr timer on the power lead and set it for a couple hr a day if your worried about damaging your house battery
  17. Try this...https://www.pplmotorhomes.com/parts/electrical-plumbing-lp-gas/rv-electrical-systems-and-accessories/cable-hatches
  18. Will this do?? Also comes in 1/2" https://www.pplmotorhomes.com/parts/electrical-plumbing-lp-gas/rv-pumps-water-filters-fixtures/plumbing-fittings/couplers/union-connector-38-cts_88-9541
  19. WME

    "Local Trip"

    I been to RMNP with my Toyota Escaper. Beautiful but daunting. Roads at 11,000ft with no guard rails? Final pass was 12,00ft+
  20. Your picture is a propane leak detector, that will shut off your propane system if it smells propane.It has little to do with the heater. So turn the detector to on and leave the switch there. Now light a burner on your stove. When the stove is working right, turn it off. NOW try and turn on your heater. If it has an older control board its 1 strike and your out, the fan stays on. So each time you try you have to turn the thermostate down and wait until the fan stops and then try again. .The fan comes on first to blow out and gas vapors from the burner. Then you will hear the sparker fire. If no spark you may need a new control board or a new set of spark points If its been a long time it will take many tries to light, because of air in the gas line.
  21. You have to remember that your going from 12v to 120v. So there is a factor of 10x. 420w is about 3 amps, so that means 30 amps from the battery. Throw in conversion losses, start up amps and pop goes the weasel and so does your new 30 amp circuit breaker You should fused the 12v into the inverter to protect the battery for Max rating of the inverter. I would say 100-150amp FUSE. You never what you may plug into the inverter in the future. The inverter should have it's own output fuses and the concentrater should have it's own fuses also
  22. Everyone is acting like changing the timing chain is a big deal. It takes about four hours with the right tools. If it's an emergency you can hillbilly a change in about 30 min
  23. I was quoting my old multi charger instructions. Your battery has the charge voltages on the side. 14.2-14.4v charge and 13.6-13.8v float. A simple $20 inline amp meter will show charge rate. As the charge level increases the charge amps will self regulate and decrease
  24. Aluminum is easy to weld, just find the proper welding shop. There may be a minimum charge if you are in a rush.
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