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Peugeot Just Announced 117Mpg City Hybrid Car

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Not really "new." It's been done before for energy storage. Holland did it on a huge scale. During the "sunny" season - excess electricity made by solar panels was used to run a bunch of air-compressors. Excess electric was converted into compressed air in huge tanks. Then when the "dark" season came, the air was slowly released to turn turbines that made electricity again. As I recall, it's been tried a few times on autos but never became popular. Maybe this time? Seems it will be a simple matter of what system gives the most miles of drive with the least weight.

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Audi is making diesel fuel from water and CO2 http://www.nacsonline.com/News/Daily/Pages/ND0505153.aspx#.VUwCfPlVhBc The world is starting to wise up.

Except that making and then burning diesel fuel is not going to reduce the carbon footprint issues of pollution and global warming.

At least the compressed air sidesteps some of that even if it is done with fossil fuel engines.

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Well if all the carbon they use is from the air, it can't put any more carbon into the atmosphere than it took out. It would be a break even situation. That air compression engine is still using fossil fuel so it's actually dirtier

Linda S

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A company or two in India was working on Compressed Air motorcycle conversions, that is it would work on a gasoline engine since compress air

is what makes a fuel burning engine work.

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Audi is making diesel fuel from water and CO2 http://www.nacsonline.com/News/Daily/Pages/ND0505153.aspx#.VUwCfPlVhBc The world is starting to wise up.

I do not believe the world will ever "wise up" unless backed into a corner and forced to do it. Every energy use or savings scheme I've seen thus far is just "robbing Peter to pay Paul." The one CORE issue that has yet to be addressed is a finite world, with finite resources - and an ever growing presence of humans and their technical junk. If collectively, something useful was really to be attempted - it would be to redesign civilization so humans did not drive - or - fly - all over the planet often on a whim. Same sort of issues with mass food production that is almost totally reliant on fossil fuels for engine fuels, heat, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, etc.

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"Regenerative motion capture" has been attempted before, the one that I recall was a gent in Texas in the '70's tried it in a Ford Fairlane using 2 large under the car HYDRAULIC TANKS to build pressure on the coast instead of braking...It was accel & decel...using small hydraulic motors on the rear wheels..to drive the vehicle . There was a pretty conclusive story on this man & his car in a very early edition of John Shuttleworths ..


I would have to try to find the article to get the detail up on here...Being involved in Fluid Dynamics...that article captured my attention....Donnie

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Tata of India has been using compressed air also in vehicles and wind mills can easily produce compressed air.

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Except that making and then burning diesel fuel is not going to reduce the carbon footprint issues of pollution and global warming.

At least the compressed air sidesteps some of that even if it is done with fossil fuel engines.

OK I'll try again. How is removing CO2 and then returning it a bad thing? It's kind of like burning wood.

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OK I'll try again. How is removing CO2 and then returning it a bad thing? It's kind of like burning wood.

Why do you think that burning wood is a good thing?

Burning dead trees is a good thing is when it is done in a process that produces very little C02 while creating a carbon product, bior char, that can be sequestered in the soil to enrich it and make it available to oxygen producing plant life. Bio char can turn poor quality soils into very rich soils. Right now there is a problem in the western US with a lot of dead trees that need to be harvested and turned into lumber products or bio char. Not doing so is creating issues of major forest fires which means we are loosing way too many oxygen producing trees.

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Trees are carbon neutral. Proper forest management is all that is needed for sustainable growth. Clear cutting for more housing and farming is not is not sustainable.

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Trees are carbon neutral. Proper forest management is all that is needed for sustainable growth. Clear cutting for more housing and farming is not is not sustainable.

Things would be balanced without humans on the planet but since that is not the case we need them to be better than carbon neutral to offset stuff like driving around in cars using carbon from eons ago that was once sequestered under the ground. We are the ones upsetting the carbon neutral balance.

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Absolutely. "Well have meet the enemy and he is us" Pogo, 1971

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