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Everything posted by WME

  1. https://www.amazon.com/Dicor-Non-Leveling-Sealant-551LSW/dp/B004RCSR1G/ref=asc_df_B004RCSR1G/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198111087508&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15306436543519117027&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029305&hvtargid=pla-382134262060&psc=1 For use on vertical surfaces
  2. Panel kit...https://www.walmart.com/ip/LE-SOLAR-POWER-KIT/434096048 Battery...https://www.walmart.com/ip/LE-UT700-BATTERY/619303783 Here is a 100w Windy Nation panel...https://www.walmart.com/ip/WindyNation-100-Watt-100W-Solar-Panel-for-12V-RV-Boat-Off-Grid/923789303
  3. Well as I was wandering through my local Walmart I saw that they have a 100w solar kit. Its a folding panel, 25ft connection cable, a controller and a 400w inverter 110 ac + usb. They were also selling a 56AH LiFe battery. Price was so so. I went to the Walmart web site and they are competing with Amazon and Ebay. They were selling Renogy and Windy nation products. The prices seem to be competive. So if your in the solar market give Walmart a look. Most had free store dilivery.
  4. Well ya of course, if you are running 12v batteries in parallel , once a month disconnect them and charge them separately. Again this is for those who need every erg of energy out of their batteries. Once a year is enough for most of us. Seperate charging will also let you verify that you have good batteries.
  5. Multiple battery charging RULE 1 Always charge in series!!! Charging in parallel results in unbalanced batteries. The first battery to reach full charge Voltage will shut down the charge cycle and the other batteries will not reach full charge. If your concerned about reaching max charge you can do several easy things. If your using a diode isolator ditch it, they have a natural .7v loss across the diode bank. Get a high quality relay isolator. Normal is alternator and truck battery on one post and the house battery on the other. If you change things around and hook the house battery and alternator together you can gain a little voltage at the house battery. The truck battery is fine without the same extra V.
  6. Sounds like a inop flame sensor or thermocouple
  7. Check out Amazon and Ebay for solar panel KITS. A much better deal than HF.
  8. Standard RV battery sizes LxWxH Group 24...11.13"-6.6"-9.25" 46 lbs Group 27...12"-6.63"-9.06" 50 lbs Group 31...12.9"-6.75"-9.27" 60lbs CG2 (6v) ...10.38"-7.13"-11.88" 62 lbs Charger info http://www.bestconverter.com/
  9. If you splice a cabinet light the 12v/USB will work. but your limited to 1amp or so. If you plan on further up grades, change the converter to a modern one OR change the fuse board. http://www.bestconverter.com/Magnetek-Fuse-Board_p_108.html
  10. Well if what you have doesn't work the way you want, this is a simple answer...https://www.wilwood.com/MasterCylinders/MasterCylinderValves There is also a metric version that requires a 10mm bubble flair. There are SAE to metric adapters for the original valve
  11. Its a receiver/dryer, part of the car A/C system. The little round glass window in the top is used to check if you A/C has a proper charge, If this is all geek to you find a pro. Fully charged there can be over 350 psi in a running system.
  12. I've lived in tents in Thailand, Philippines and just to keep things balanced also Korean winters and Northern Japan... My idea of extreme roughing it, is B&W TV. I've changed all the lights to LED, My wife uses a CPAP at night and requires 65 deg at night (shes from Hawaii), so the heater runs at about a 30% duty cycle at 32 degrees and 50% duty cycle at 0 degree. Ive got 2ea GC 2 6v 235 AH batteries and a 280w solar panel. I've been down to a 60% charge after a very cold night. With clear sky's and the high elevation around here, I'm fully charged by 2:00-3:00 My total costs are about the same as just 1 quality LiFepo4 100ah battery
  13. WME

    LED headlights?

    If you have the $$ check out the Rigid web site...https://www.rigidindustries.com/
  14. WME

    LED headlights?

    Just buy an H6054 sealed beam replacement. Easy plug & play. To go to LED or HID you will need a new lens assy. An easy step up is a 200mm "E" spec lens with an H4 bulb in it. Here is a source for these...http://classicgarage.com/20recheadrep.html The LED lights are bright but poorly focused. With a traditional lamp or an HID the light source is a small point and its is easy to focus. A high powered LED has the source spread out over 1/2" or more and harder to focus. Quality and price vary greatly.
  15. If you just gotta have an LiFepo4, here ya go, same$$ but 2x capacity. https://www.amazon.com/Lithium-Battery-VoltXcell-Delivery-Included/dp/B07QN8FL58/ref=pd_sbs_263_3/139-8260934-4533824?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07QN8FL58&pd_rd_r=7e024d04-30ec-46d4-bd7c-d786462e0101&pd_rd_w=3l98a&pd_rd_wg=48UhM&pf_rd_p=52b7592c-2dc9-4ac6-84d4-4bda6360045e&pf_rd_r=8BSQAV208SDV7SF9VP7K&psc=1&refRID=8BSQAV208SDV7SF9VP7K
  16. Lets do some basic math. The base line is a 24 series battery it is rated at 75-80 AH, weighs 45 lb and cost $100. In reality its usable AH is around 40AH The LiFe you posted, You would need 7 to reach 42 AH at a cost of $700, weight would be 15lbs. The LiFe is all about energy density, not $$
  17. Don't gotta be ugly...http://monstaliner.com/forms/monstaliner_colors.htm
  18. About the only aluminum RVs are the Argosy, Airstream RVs. 1974-1990ish. The Argosy 1974 on is aluminum with steel corners. The Airstream 1979 on is all aluminum. The Argosy was 20-24 ft and the Airstream was 24-37 ft. Because of the steel corner the Argosy MHs were painted. The Airstream RVs were polished aluminum.
  19. Your converter has a relay that switches from battery 12v to converter 12v. It when the converter 12v is on the battery should be charging. Open up the case and clean the relay contacts and recheck the battery voltage when the converter is plugged in. P.S. this is very common on relay equipped converters. Also the battery charger is only 3 amps.
  20. Sorry, ''High ground clearance toyota motor home" is an Oxymoron. There just ain't such a thing. Mainly due to that the MH's came with 14" rims. If you can find a VERY RARE 4wd they came with 15" rims which will give you a larger selection of tires. IF your willing to drive on graded forest service roads the standard Toyhouse does good. But ruts and washouts are a nono. Have you thought about one of the Off Road Australian style trek camp trailers? Or even a small normal tent camper with oversized rims and wheels
  21. Go to your local NAPA they will have OEM grade rubber. Have the parts guy spin the computer screem around so you can see if all the parts are what you need.
  22. RV battery gas gauge This is the Gold standard for battery monitors. https://www.amazon.com/Victron-Battery-Monitor-VE-Direct-Bluetooth/dp/B0723DRLSX/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=2DZE9PFEYS96G&keywords=aili+battery+monitor&qid=1572187370&sprefix=aili%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&smid=AERMGYAT5R869&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSVdZVERNUTNSWEs3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTAyMTU2MTNWSDE1TkxUSDM5TSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzE3MDAyMVExVVA0U0xPTk1TSCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= This is what I bought, I'll install it in the spring and report how it works. (too cold to work in the rv) https://www.amazon.com/AiLi-Battery-Monitor-Voltmeter-Motorhome/dp/B07CTKYFTG/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2DZE9PFEYS96G&keywords=aili+battery+monitor&qid=1572187250&sprefix=aili%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-4
  23. Won't hurt. Mount the fuse close to the solar panel. FWIW my roof is fiberglass and the cable run is in wood panels so Ive never fused the panels. The battery YES fuses
  24. A simple matched system. Get the 30A controller . It will let you grow your system with out getting a new controller. It will work with 2 more panels and another battery. Remember reducing power consumption is as important as extra power panels. LED lights and if you "need" a TV get a flat screen. Those are the 2 biggest power drains
  25. Your OK. Just a little fine tuning. With the Engine off the the isolator is disconnected. Your not reading voltage out of isolator, your reading your house battery voltage. You need to start the engine and report back with the voltages. Another WAG your battery was severely discharged and you drive wasn't long enough to fully charge the battery. So what to do?, your RV should have a power cord that plugs into your house AND if everything is right😜 there is a converter that will charge the house battery. If things aren't right then a regular car battery charger will do.
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