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rad wolfe

Toyota Advanced Member
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Everything posted by rad wolfe

  1. ' When Datsun introduced the Fair Lady sports car into the USA (and quickly renamed it to the 240Z) '- The original Fairlady was a convertible similar in style to a MGB. In 1968 sold as the Datsun 2000 ( in Canada & USA ) it had a 5 speed , SU type carbs , roll bar, and could do over 115 MPH . I owned one and it was a screamer.
  2. Please, before you find out about driving ,whether at speed or not, check the brakes! By that I mean at least verify the brake fluid level under the hood, then before you take it on the road push down as hard as possible on the brake pedal to verify that the pedal doesn't go to the floor or blow out something in the b. system like brake lines or pop a cylinder.These old trucks have a big job to do with small brakes and a lot of weight to stop.This is especially important when a vehicle has been sitting for a while , whether just over a winter or for a year or more. be safe and have fun rad wolfe
  3. For something like suspension (springs & shocks), I've found that Mexican mechanicos are usually great. Find a shock shop and have them take a look underneath. Some places can even rebuild shocks for you (seen it done but no idea what they're like). You probably already do this but I watch ahead at other vehicles to see where they bob & switch to avoid the REALLY big holes, this is very important at night or if it is raining and you need to rely on locals knowledge of whats under the water (but probably no rain in Sonora). As always watch for the 'reverse' pothole or tope(s) and vibradores etc. as they can do much damage hit at speed. buena suerte !
  4. Riverman77 my apologies for sucking your statement into an issue you didn't intent. Bureaucracy grows and seldom makes things easier for people. yours, Rad Wolfe
  5. that looks really great cause yeah it's too narrow for sitting sideways, ours also suffers from having the back straight up & down , not at an angle . A question: do the bolsters & your lounge seatback transform into a "normal" configuration?I mean can you easily reconstitute the couch back?
  6. Hey JD make more of an attempt at reading with comprehension before replying.In this particular thread this terminology was initially used by Riverman"( Socialism gets you coming & going$$$)" since you can't apparently find it yourself I'm pointing it out to you.Man up and admit you find socialists ( or worse) under the woodpile and around every corner. Their NOT there. When people blame socialism and it's really bureaucratic in nature I advise using a great book ...the Dictionary.
  7. same with notifications...additional psychic ability required. BTW Derek I sent you a PM on Jan 10.. did you receive it?
  8. Thanks for the advice.Although technically feasible I think it would allow them to continue unabated and unquestioned and would be akin to burying my head in the sand. I prefer to know whats going on here and comment when I think necessary (not very frequently). Maybe others should. My feelings are that they intimidate people into silence but possibly I'm wrong and people agree with them.
  9. just a question Derek, Then how do you know what to monitor and moderate , is there another technique or method?
  10. I guess you'll think I'm naive but I have traveled for almost 50 years in the USA Canada Mexico & most of europe & north africa, asia, austrailia south america meeting people quite unlike me in situations and places that are unfamiliar and foreign,most by vehicle & boondocking. I won't bore you with the details cause I know you only go to "'travel so as to avoid areas that have concentrations of people you don't want to be around". So why not just look in a mirror if you are so xenophobic and scared of the world? My incorrect assumption was that ALL owners of Toy RVs would also have that spirit of adventure? fun? exploration? But in a way you are right ...childish doesn't cover it at all. Really I should say it SADDENS me to think that some would use an electoral map or similar method so they could see themselves reflected properly. Do you have to change your plans as state & federal elections take place and govt fall & rise??? Do you or totem have passports I wonder....cause the bigger world would surely scare you even more than the USA.."to act as a guide where I could to best avoid US socialism, over-regulation and over-taxation". Man, if you've ever traveled outside the states you'd have to put up with the fact not everyone is the same as you and that that is OK. Do you always feel so insecure that you the need to fit in so much?" again to quote you "to suggest that and just expect to fit in anywhere would seem "childish" to me" . Additionally I don't think these other parts of the world would welcome the concealed weapons that totem requires (you also?)..let alone the attitude. This is what happens when highly ideologized mentalities come to the fore. I know I won't see ya in Greece!! or anywhere else you seem so fearful of...time to look for a gated community?
  11. Among other things it would be smart to look at the axle facts discussed on this site esp. pre 1986/87 vehicles. most here consider this essential info. good luck and happy trails.
  12. hey riverman77... I'm nodding as fast as I can....can you hear me ???!! great to have this back online hope it's permanent
  13. Wow all the pent up whimpering since this site has been offline... 'I love when people that get upset at "airbags" by Firestone are often they same folks who refer to a magazine as a "clip".' If your attention span can follow what I quoted BACK from your comment it would be interesting but unlikely. 'The map of the usa is now offensive to people in here???' Again you misrepresent..I said only that it displayed your right wing politics....am I wrong? 'I guess this site just cannot handle the USA map' what are you babbling about??it's only an electoral map and by far my favorite quote from totem 'Its also my travel map; full intentions on visiting every red state before i die.' I've never used an electoral map in my life to decide my travel plans....how childish. also I I seem to have misspelt psychic......left out the 'ot'
  14. in the brochure : Net torque … 190 @ 2800 rpm doesn't seem high??
  15. the horsepower/torque seem off for an1987 22re in the brochure : Engine … 2.4 LiterNet horsepower … 87 @ 4800 rpm Net torque … 190 @ 2800 rpm 1983–1987 2,366 cc 22R-E I4 SOHC FI 78 kW (106 PS; 105 hp) at 4800 rpm 185 N·m (136 lb·ft) at 2800 rpm .....from wiki and JD when they use the evil term 'air bag'.....well shoot'em with your now legal slingshot!
  16. Happy Holidays to All, hope you had some time off ( if you have a job!) and enjoy the season. Truly this site is an invaluable source of information for evaluating/purchasing/maintaining/rebuilding these relatively rare RV's. Kudos to all those brave enough to tackle what sometimes seem showstopping tasks (at least to me) .............and completing them! Cheers Rad
  17. BTW if JD & Totem could "muzzle" their political vitriol and stick to tech issues they often seem very knowledgeable about this would not be an issue, but it seems that eventually the dreaded political rant must rear its ugly head (for them) and fear and loathing spouts out. Stick to Toyota RVs and whine about bags/springs/suspension NOT politics and guns... can you do that?
  18. Canada socialist since war of 1812???? I know how hard it is for you to keep on topic but I find this offensive , does anyone else? the obsessive right wing political rants & gun love by JD & Totem belong elsewhere. I'm sure there must be are other sites where it would find approval, possibly one about "fear the socialist/communist horde - get outta town now" - so why not go there for your emotional outlet not Toyota RV please.
  19. way back I brought in a 68 Firebird Sprint straight 6( in 67 I think it may of been 1ts GM designated in liters (3.8? 4.3?) from florida . Anyways the 15 year rule applied at that point & I knew it might be trouble at the canadian side cause it was only 14 years old ;long story short when I walked in at prescott ont the border guy didn't even come out just said nice looking 68 (no vent windows like the 67) you cant bring it in.turned around, told the us border guys what happened ,found a place in Clayton NY to store over the summer & brought it in next year.
  20. Hi Totem, I always thought a magazine was something you read; a clip was a short from a movie. I'm not psychic like you seem to be but a reoccurring theme from you is your right wing politics & guns as per previous comments & your picture display. I enjoy a lot of your comments but do you think you can get over your gun love for a bit and stay on topic? Feliz Navidad Rad
  21. hi riverman, perhaps you were not aware that this is a new law from the USA not Canada! This is NOT a 'socialist' plot to separate you from your money or cause more bureaucratic paperpushing.This is your government at work. did you even bother to read the article or just start shooting off about socialism cause it's a good dog to beat? BTW average Canadian lifespan exceeds average US lifespan....universal health care helps.Or is it because we don't have such a hi murder rate. I seldom respond to this knee-jerk fear of socialism but get a grip.
  22. from the manual: 5. Can I back up? Yes but the unit acts like a very small trailer and can jackknife very quickly.
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