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Everything posted by bufbooth

  1. Regarding the size of the drain / fill sockets, I don't have my motorhome near me at the moment but there is always a chance that a non-OEM bolt was used, so be sure the socket fits snug. Also, ALWAYS remove the fill bolt first, just in case you cannot remove it yourself, you don't want to be in the situation of draining all the rear end fluid out and then realize you cannot remove the fill bolt and you cannot drive it anywhere. Toyota motorhomes are hard to flip over to fill in the drain hole! :-) Regarding the brakes, make sure you tell your mechanic that the rear wheel studs have locking two piece cone washers on them that hold the brake drum on. The best way that I have found to remove them is to place a 14mm or so size socket over them and to give the socket a med. to heavy rap with a hammer, this releases the pressure and the cone washer will fall into the socket (vs flying across the room). I usually end up with one of them requiring a few heavy hits. Dennis...
  2. Mine is the original 1989, however, I repainted it three years ago and had it recertified for 5 years. Dennis...
  3. I think this might be the trailer that was on the back of the UtlraVan...I thought it was homemade but looks like Sear made a one wheel trailer: http://indianapolis.craigslist.org/rvs/3852829951.htmlhttp://indianapolis.craigslist.org/rvs/3852829951.html
  4. Hello, I also have a 1990 Odyssey, brought it 7 years ago with 82,000 miles on it and now have 106,000. Be sure to check the overhead cab in the corners and around the side windows for water damage, I ended up having to rebuild both sides. The Odyssey is the biggest Toyota motorhome out there, a few inches taller and a few inches wider, the strongest roofs, but as a result the heaviest model. If you end up getting new tires, due to the weight I would recommend 195R14 load range D or 185R load range D. At around 95,000 miles I needed to replace the bushing in the rear leaf springs (about $500) and also new shocks. Check to see if the timing belt has been replaced, the schedule is either at 60,000 or 80,000, either way the Odyssey you are looking at is past due.
  5. Totem, nice trip right up! Indiana to Yellowstone was our best road trip also. We had a 17 foot canoe on the Toyota roof and did some fishing on Lake Lewis (does not allow motor boats), we ended up being the only boat on the lake. Dennis...
  6. I don't have a 1-ton dulley, but I have a 2002 Chevy Silverado 1500 extended cab pickup with a 6.5 foot bed and a 4.8L gas engine with a 4-speed auto transmission. Crusing at highway speeds (70mph), 5 passengers and about 800lbs of gear in the back, I get 24mpg but that is with 100% gasoline. If I use the 10% corn mix I get 21mpg. Dennis...
  7. Regarding the roof, one option might be to use a one piece aluminum roof. My 1990 Odyssey has an aluminum roof. It bends over the sides about one inch, but I am unsure on what the thickness is. I found this website that sells aluminum sheet, if you just need 14 feet the cost is $205 for 0.024 gauge. If you want to go this route you might want to hit up a local hardware store to check out if 0.024 will work or not, you need to be able to bend it over the sides and you will probably need to glue it down to the existing roof. The edges will be secured by the edge trim. http://www.factoryrvsurplus.com/products.php?product_id=2162
  8. Regarding AC while traveling, if you put a curtain between the cab and the coach your cab area will be nicely cool. Regarding the coach area, if you install maxxair vent covers ($20), you can leave the roof vents open year round, at highway speeds, and while raining. Some models of the maxxair vents have powered fans so you can blow the hot air out. Also, one or two DC fans in the coach area greatly help. Be sure to replace your gas line filter, it should be on the frame under the passenager seat area.
  9. If after removing the transmission cover you cannot remove the broken bolts with a tool and If you have access to a arc welder, you can weld new bolt heads on. Just get a nut has a hole slightly smaller then the broken bolt and tap it on with a hammer. Then hit the nut with a arc/stick welder, just need a couple seconds and the nut will be welded to the broken bolt and the heat from the arc/stick welder will break the broken bolt free. After it cools down (several minutes), you probably can remove the bolt by hand. Dennis...
  10. Also, MaxxAir vents are super easy to install, just four sheet metal screws that screw sideways into the existing vent frame, no holes in the roof.
  11. Another option that might be better is to keep the existing covers in place and install a MaxxAir vent cover over the vent. In my option, MaxxAir vent cover are one of the better upgrades one can do, they only cost about $20. They will allow one have the vent fully open at highway speeds and during rain storms. Also, they are great to let moisture excape during rain storms and during the winter. I leave my roof vents open year round. Dennis...
  12. Its been over two weeks, you should have an ideal on how much your Toyota was worth to you (your purchase price and cost of all work done to it). If you want to give the shop owner a chance before taking legal action, present the shop owner with a letter containing how much your Toyota was worth and state in the letter that he has four business days to reimburse you. Actually, put the end date in the letter so there is no confusion. Also in the letter state that if reimbursement is not completed by the end date that you will immediately take legal action for the amount stated plus legal costs and lost of use. This should put to rest if the shop owner is going to reimburse you or not. Good luck...
  13. Also a number of ultravans have upgraded to the olds 455 tornado drive train
  14. I have been trying to get an ULtravan to attend the midwest toyin for the last three years.
  15. I finally got the pictures, this morning as I was about to drive onto the auto ferry to Ocracoke island I looked into my side mirror and saw the UltraVan driving up, but as luck would have it the UltraVan missed the ferry. About three hours later I caught up to it and got the following pictures, it is UltraVan #388 from KY. The owner brought it about 14 years ago. Check out the generator in the rear, it was on a mounted platform that had a single wheel. It was not a trailer, but a fixed platform, the wheel was to keep the weight off of the rear of the UltraVan. The generator was running to power the roof AC. http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&image=2845 http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&image=2846 http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&image=2847 http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&image=2848 http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&image=2849 Also, on the way back to Hatteras Island, I saw a Scamp 5th wheeler...sorry, no pictures. Dennis...
  16. bufbooth


    From the album: Mrs. Clark

  17. bufbooth


    From the album: Mrs. Clark

  18. bufbooth


    From the album: Mrs. Clark

  19. bufbooth


    From the album: Mrs. Clark

  20. bufbooth


    From the album: Mrs. Clark

  21. I just saw an UltraVan in Avon, NC (Outer Banks) today, of the 370 made, there are only 100 on the road today. Dennis...
  22. Hello Kathg1, I left the carpet on the walls in place. At this URL there is a few pictures of the floor. http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3683
  23. I had the same work done on my 1990 Odyssey 2 or 3 years ago, price was $500, work was done in Indiana.
  24. I put a wood floor down right over the top of the carpet, it was designed to go over carpet. Dennis...
  25. I have never seen an insurance company pay out the customers expected value on their own...all insurance companies business model is to pay the mininum possible. I would start the process with a lawyer with auto damage experience. Be sure to demand loss of use...motorhomes rent for about $1,000 a week...that might speed up the process. Dennis...
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