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linda s

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Everything posted by linda s

  1. I'm not sure really what caused your peeling. Gets cold where you live, freezing and defrosting effect? The barkeepers Zep routine is a low cost alternative to Poly Glow and way less difficult to apply. It is not a wax though. It's an acrylic polish. If it's thick enough instead of a surface treatment it can become an entity in itself. A flexible film that can and does peel. I keep thinking of nail polish. It does the same when applied to thickly. Or 80's Dodge cars. They put in and additive to make it easier to paint at factory that unfortunately made it easier to remove later. My kids had a blast peeling the paint off that car Linda S
  2. Ya know this rig is in California. Long way going by your phone number. If that doesn't matter best way to contact him is click on his name. That will take you to his profile. From there you can send him a message that will go directly to his email. I saw this one when he first got it. Super cool rig Linda S
  3. I think the Zep has longer lasting results on the smooth fiberglass rigs like Sunrader. Mark I also think you used too many coats of it. Over waxing your floor can cause similar problems. As far as the Barkeepers friend not being good. I think it rocks. I use it on everything. Removes burnt black on stainless steel pots. Cleaned the plastic lawn chairs that I left in the yard all winter and had completely discolored and now they are bright and new looking. Only thing I ever use to clean my Sunrader. No it's not that hard. I'm an old lady and I can manage it just fine Linda S
  4. I found this really good site about rebuilding a Nicky. Recent too. https://axleaddict.com/rvs/How-To-Repair-Or-Remodel-Old-Camper-Trailer-And-Motorhome-RV-Interiors You can clearly see how bad water is Pics from my site Linda S
  5. No there is nowhere to look anything up. Not many made and I don't think I ever found out who made them. Appliances and other RV stuff was the same in most manufacturers so those things you can look up once you know what was used. As far as fixing the roof this unit has been well used. The originals had really nice cabinets and upholstery. I have pics on my Yahoo group but have to download them to post here. I'll try to post some later Linda S PS No one installs a brand new roof and leaves a wavy ceiling.
  6. Yes a Nicky is a real motorhome. I've seen a few over the years. Many of them are built in Nissan chassis and it's one of the only RV makers other than Sunrader who ever used the Nissan V6 engine. This one is unusual in that it's bigger than most. All the others I've seen were shorties. The ceiling looks wavy. They are very susceptible to water damage. Check it out carefully. Might not be a good idea to try and mount a heavy AC unit on that roof. The axle is fine though Linda S
  7. Go here for the wheel and call ahead when your traveling to see if places listed still have them in stock. The distance your going you should be able to find one somewhere along the road. The DRW is clearly listed in this website. Just follow the instructions to find http://www.car-part.com/ As for the air bags there isn't a small set. There are ones that are for motorhomes. It's just a matter of searching for the best price. Google is your friend. Search for them Linda S
  8. My Sunrader rear extensions are rock solid. My son who builds cars says they look stronger than the Toyota frame and are perfectly welded. Atlanta Sunrader guy though says his are flimsy. Have no idea why the difference but you could always have someone look at them and see how good they are. That said there was a couple from Canada who towed a Smart Car while traveling all over the US in their V6 Sunrader. Thousands of miles. The Smart car weighs in at 1800lbs. Versa weighs a little more but your going much less distance. I'm sure you could make it but I am not sure of the toll it will take on your camper engine and transmission. Don't think anyone can predict that Other options: Is there anyone who would drive your Versa and then you could buy them a flight home? That would be best case scenario. You can also have a car shipped. Might be a good idea to at least call a few companies and get estimates. Google car shipping for numbers. Good luck whatever you decide. Linda S
  9. Your going to need a brake system for the Versa with brakeaway brakes. Most states you are OK under 3000 lbs but Mississippi the limit is 2000. Linda S
  10. I like the Dolphin. Found the ad for the other one and seems shady to me. Of course you need to check it out but do all the things the guys mention and get back to us. Guy didn't even plan on selling so not like someone is going to beat you to it. Linda S
  11. Toyota part numbers. https://www.toyotapartsdeal.com/oem/toyota~bush~for~rear~spring~pin~90385-18046.html?Make=Toyota&Model=Pickup&Year=1992&Submodel=2+Wheel+Drive-JPP&Filter=(d=USA;1=3VZE;4=STD;7=RCB;8=WT;9=HLF;13=IV6;14=T1)&Location=rear-spring-shock-absorber,,48210B You really need 8 of these not 4 And 4 of these https://www.toyotapartsdeal.com/oem/toyota~bush~for~rear~spring~shackle~upper~90385-18012.html?Make=Toyota&Model=Pickup&Year=1992&Submodel=2+Wheel+Drive-JPP&Filter=(d=USA;1=3VZE;4=STD;7=RCB;8=WT;9=HLF;13=IV6;14=T1)&Location=rear-spring-shock-absorber,,48210A Linda S
  12. Checking now. Your right most are 2wd but I did find a 88 Toyota box truck with the dually and axle looks intact. That will have a sway bar on it. Stockton so not too far from him. Some one here was looking for an axle too. The guy in Reno maybe? https://www.picknpull.com/vehicle_details.aspx?VIN=JT5RN75T3J0021605 Also near Sacramento is Rancho Cordova. It's got tons of junk yards and a number that specialize in Toyota's. A few phone calls can usually track down about anything Toyota https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Bl-xXIzgEsTksAX43pbACQ&q=toyota+junkyard+rancho+cordova+ca&oq=toyota+salvage+yard+rancho+cordova&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0j0i22i10i30.2450.14920..18555...0.0..0.213.5350.0j34j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..35i39j0i131j0i67j0i10j0i22i30.sneP1ROMUaA I may not be a mechanic but when it comes to parts I rock Linda S
  13. That pic Derek posted is the sway bar you need. Comes off of a 4x4 Toyota truck. In San Francisco you are virtually surrounded by Pick and Pulls. I know, I've been to every single one. Part you need is there waiting or you for about 20 bucks Linda S
  14. So, I've got air bags and a sway bar. They do different things. At one point my sway bar became disconnected and the handling was dangerously tippy. Air bags support suspension and leaf springs aka improved ride Sway bar improves steering and handling. I really think you need to fix your existing sway bar problem Linda S
  15. He has the same year and model as me. Black tank is ABS. All parts can be put back together with ABS glue and I usually use a slurry of ground up ABS the thicken that glue and make the connection stronger. Removing the outflow shouldn't be needed. The hard part is the vent pipe. Either you have to cut it and put it back together with an ABS connecter and glue or if your lucky you can drop the tank with it still connected and swivel the tank so you have access to the spring bolts. Toilet and shower drains must be disconnected to drop the tank Linda S
  16. I see what you mean. Those clamps holding the sway bar exactly over your axle certainly aren't helping. They aren't stock. Your rig didn't come with a sway bar. Only the 4x4's had them so someone rigged up one to fit. My sway bar isn't stock either. The air bags don't need to be installed directly over the axle though. In front or back, you just need to find a place to locate them. In your case I think it's your helper springs getting in the way. Linda S
  17. You have to be very careful trying to update older motorhomes. Many items are no longer made and there is no exact replacement. Those slanted tail light bases are available no where. People protect them like gold. Many have managed to fix them when broken. I don't have a Winnebago but maybe someone has found lights and other stuff you need. Sure they will post when they see this. Don't now why your rear view mirrors are different size. Pics show same size mirrors, one should be flat and one convex. Here's the flat mirror that should fit https://www.amazon.com/Velvac-704093-Mirror/dp/B004A34AQI/ref=pd_bxgy_263_3/147-3782690-6275164?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B004A34AQI&pd_rd_r=600facf6-5b1d-11e9-a328-111adf3de4ca&pd_rd_w=zO62e&pd_rd_wg=w3I4M&pf_rd_p=a2006322-0bc0-4db9-a08e-d168c18ce6f0&pf_rd_r=5XY2RESBEHPGM1J22G8C&psc=1&refRID=5XY2RESBEHPGM1J22G8C Linda S
  18. This is a newer truck but basics should be the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lZbAd1_EUM Looks like way too much work to me. There is a time to just pay the money and have it done. No room for a 20 ton press in my garage anyway Linda S
  19. For the tubes that fit calking gun you usually need to hit a hardware store. I've bought it at Ace Linda S I always have some. So strong. Completely put my weed eater together last summer and it's still holding. That stuff is taking some torque there
  20. The radial belts have separated from the tread. They can blow at anytime. First I've heard of a problem with the Thunderer. How old is not too old. Tread thickness really doesn't matter with the age thing. The rubber breaks down after a while. If only a couple of years I'd email the company and complain. maybe they will send you a fat discount Linda S
  21. They appear to be standard equipment for the cab and chassis starting in 8/85 Toyota Part No.: 48805-35010 Linda S
  22. My favorite fix all is Flex Glue. Seals, glues and fills gaps I would remove enough top trim to pull out the siding and fill from underneath all along that area. Then smooth siding back down but don't push too hard. this stuff works fast. Not a lot of time to change your mind. wipe off excess and let dry a few hours before you screw your trim back on. matching paint is going to take some work but once sealed you have time for that. Use the caulking gun size for ease of application https://www.amazon.com/Flex-Rubberized-Waterproof-Adhesive-Formula/dp/B078TPCRQ2 Linda S
  23. Odyssey 4x4's axle is wider than a 78 axle. They went from 55 inches to 58. Also in 1989 with the introduction of the V6 the frames were upgraded. Add the that his wider 15 inch wheels and tires and it all adds up to more stability on the road. Linda S
  24. Can you take a pic from underneath. I have a sway bar and air bags and they don't interfere at all. Linda S
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