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    • I've tried some of the tapes out there in a pinch trying to get back home in other beaters I've owned. All failed quickly including the putties out there. A friend had his tail pipe wrapped in a  product by JB Weld that looks like a cast you would secure on someone's broken limb. He said it has held up for a few weeks which is much longer than the stuff I tried which lasted an hour or less. Anyway, it was JB Weld and was a fiberglass wrap white in color. JB Weld has other products that do not work for mufflers as I can attest to, but the white fiberglass wrap seems like a good very temporary repair, would probably get you a few miles while you save for a full tail pipe/muffler replacement. 

    • Great hitch - thanks for the link.  Mine has a fixed hitch with a solid tongue and hole for ball.  I'll be switching it to a 2" receiver to carry bike racks and a platform hitch and that may be just the ticket.  On the theory the rear frame height above ground and our sewer pipe carriers may be oriented similarly - got a picture or 5 so I can see if that will allow me to keep the tongue for days I want to tow something?  Thanks.

    • it won't strain the suspension or axle. depends on what maker used to extend the truck frame.  as long as it is beefy enough to support the weight

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