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Super Duper Yooper Looper (Rv Rally)


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I (we) just got back from a week of camping in the Michigan UP. Weather has been astoundingly beautiful. No rain (more or less) for three weeks and the entire UP is a tinderbox waiting to go up in flames. This is the third time we went this summer but the first time we were there during a weekend. Still got beautiful campsites with no neighbors nearby on lakes (inland and Lake Superior). Went to the National campround of Soldier Lake. Also State forest campgrounds of Blind Sucker 1 and Monacle Lake. Lake Superior was like a mill-pond one day and like the Atlantic Ocean the next with pretty big waves. Also went to the Paradise and the Whitefish Point shipwreck museum (big rip off in my opinion). Also Tahquamenom Falls (pretty impressive for a Michigan waterfall). We were seeing classis campers all over the place and wondering what the heck was going on. Most were just driving around and nearly every road we'd been on. Even the remote back roads. So I finally saw some "California Dude" parked at a fur-for-sale stand with his 40s teardrop camper and 1965 Falcon Futura V8, and stopped and asked him what was going on. Ends up we were smack in the middle of the annual "Super Duper Yooper Looper." It is a rally of classic RVs that lasts 10 days and drives around the entire Upper Peninsula. I saw a lot of neat rigs but did not get a chance to get many photos. Sounds like a good deal for someone who likes rallys and hanging around with a bunch of people. For around $640, you get campround reservations all around the UP for 10 nights (with electric), showers, and a catered dinner for two every night. Not my sort of thing, but DOES sound like a pretty good deal. We just happened to be in the eastern UP when they were in their "eastern UP phase" for two days. I had sort of a funny conversation with the fur seller where the Falcon and teardrop camper was parked. This was near Paradise. Seems the guy is a hunter/trapper and sells local furs to tourists during the summer. He was telling me how just about all the wildlife has been killed off in the UP during the last few years because of the growing population of wolves and NO ONE is allowed to shoot them. True or not, I can't say. But I've got to wonder . . how about all these otter, beaver, weasel. fisher-cats, bob-cats, badgers, skunks, etc. that this guy killed and had for sale? Seems the wolves at least left quite a bit for him to kill ! The Callifornia Dude, by the way, bought several skunk skins. I am still lusting after his Ford Futura. I used to have several Ford Springs with 260 or 289 V8s and four-speeds. I had a 1963 and 1964 Sprint. His rig was a 1965 Futura with a 289 V8 and auto trans.





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Some other photos from our last trip. Only probem we had with the Toyota was the refrigerator starting to fall apart from the many miles of heavily washboarded sand roads we drove on. I've now got some repairs to do. We did five fill-ups and got a low of 11.7 MPG and a high of 14.6 MPG. Never went over 60 MPH. A few random photos from Blind Sucker Lake campground, a view from inside the camper of Lake Superior in Paradise, Seney National Wetlands refuge, Tahquamenon Falls, etc.











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yeah the wolf thing bugged me a bit too everyone voted pro hunting in that election except for wolf because the way it was worded was very ominous. They framed that law so that if you voted to allow wolves to be hunted that the DNR got full control of all hunting agenda; or vote no and all hunting agendas were to be voted on by the people, except wolves were protected. People always vote to be able to vote.

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