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Too Much Turkey and Trimmings? Difficulty getting up into the upper bunk of your Toyhome?


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If so, you're probably not alone in America. Over eating and over extended "tummies" are quickly becoming the norm in this country, along with a plethora of dis-eases associated with poor eating habits. But even if one finds oneself caught in this vicious cycle of food addictions, I'm here to tell you that the body is amazing piece of cosmic technology and no matter how much abuse and ridicule that's poured in it and on it, it has the remarkable capacity to heal itself if given the right amount of time and "ingredients" to overcome the "minds" self inflicted punishment.

With obesity in America running rampant, along with the associated diseases, a timely and amazing documentary made in 2010 by an Australian fellow named "Joe", addresses issues he had with his weight and a skin disorder. He decided to go on a "Fresh Juice" fast for 60 days. What happens during these 60 days, and who he encounters, is presented in this inspiring and uplifting film.

No matter what one's condition is, even if one "thinks" one has passed the point of no return, there's always hope to turn things around, and this film is proof of that.


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Yeah I just read an article about an obese woman that flew to Hungary (no pun intended) from NY and then couldn't return home as they said she was too fat. She was too huge to fit in a seat even WITH a seat-belt extender so all airlines there said no way. She weighed 425 and was an amputee; and was exceptionally distended because she was going through kidney failure and advanced diabetes complications. the airlines refusal to return flight her will cost them though; 3 days after being refused she died; in Hungary (again no pun intended).

Of course the husband is sewing for 6 million.

This will lead the courts to the question; when does a passenger cease being handicapped and start to be a threat to the flights safety based on weight? People are getting so fat now that the planes can't even accommodate their size without them spilling into 2 or 3 seats!


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"Did you notice the part in the video where the price quoted for one month of groceries on this diet was $400.00? Not exactly an affordable option for most people to do this diet unless you have a garden to grow your own fresh food. But one thing I do know about raw food diets, you have to be extremely careful and get the fruits and veggies washed very clean. I had a neighbor die of E-coli from juicing. "

Regarding the $400 price. in my opinion, and experience, one can't afford not to spend the money. I guess it comes down to priorities. For me personally, good health means everything. I don't get sick anymore, haven't in a long, long time. I literally watch everything that goes in. And with my perceived "good" health I find that my life is so much easier and fun because physical issues are minimal; no ill health bills, i.e. I haven't been to a doctor in 20 or 30 years (can't even remember) and I'm certain it's because I watch my diet, get daily exercise, get plenty of rest and focus on a veritable kaleidoscope of "preventative" measures to stay ahead of the game. But back to the $400 figure you mentioned. Wholesome, organic, non-gmo, fresh foods unfortunately aren't cheap. But with the money I believe I am saving from being in good health (no doctor bills), I'm able to buy those groceries that prevent ill health. So, as I see it, it's a trade off. Besides, from my point of view, a can't think of anything better to do with my hard earned dollars than to spend it on working at being healthy. For some reason, though, I don't think my philosophy is the norm (unfortunately).

Regarding your point on veggies gardens. EVERYBODY, or least those with the land for it, should have an organic garden. It should be mandatory, i.e. those who want good health. Nothing like going out to the garden and picking veggies that are still "alive" when one eats them.

Regarding your friend who died from E-coli. I don't know anything about that person so I can't comment on them and what happened to them, but I can say this. As one's physiology gets stronger, and the immune system works better and more efficiently, various "bad" bacteria have a harder time of "infecting" the body when cells are functioning optimally (or close to it). I wash organic veggies that I get from the store, but unless the veggies I pick out of the garden or the fruits aren't dirty, I'll throw them in the juicer right off the tree. In fact, I've been picking our apples (no chemicals on them) and juice them straight away. Couple of worms here and there are added protein, LOL. Anyway, maybe I have an unusual digestive tract that seems to devour anything and everything, but I suspect it's because it's running on almost all cylinders. But you are right, veggies should be cleaned and I just happen to not to be too concerned about scrubbing food with a brush and soap. I do think that weak immune systems are vulnerable to all kinds of bacteria, so when in doubt, wash'em.

Anyway, if one can juice veggies from their own organic garden, that's the way to go. We've got a green house and that helps in the colder months. Got Kale growing in it now.

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