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About Martha

  • Birthday 11/27/1960

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  • My Toyota Motorhome
    1989 Americana
  • Location
    Los Angeles

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  1. I will get back to you with a picture on this, but the former owners of my new 89 toy, said that they just hated to dis-mantle or unscrew the propane to re-fill tit, so they had a special fitting made out of brass for $$$ ( I am not with the toy now, or I would just go take a pic of this thingy-ma-jig) They told me that "its worth its weight in Gold" It allows you to place it on the tank without pulling it out, and fill it. Yes, some might hassle you- they told me -THE LAW and all, but 99% don't. and its very well crafted, and just looking at that tank, no, I don't plan on pulling it out EVER! I will drive station to station if I have to- Anything except dragging that tank out!
  2. I was sort of stuck with this rubber seal issue, and it had clear silicone gobbed over it 1 inches past each edge, and 1.2 inch thick in literal gobs. The same person must be going around the US with his Silicone shotgun! It was hard to tell where the leakage was coming in from due to the peaks and mess it was. I needed to get it ready to hopefully go on a long trip in two weeks so no time to do much of anything, as I need to go through the rest of the Toy to check out whatever else I can. What I did was spend three days trying to get the worst of the clear off, which was a mixture of clear silicone and clear -something else that was hard. (some epoxy?) Silicone remover helped with the true silicone, but then I had to try to razor off the hardened stuff- (only was 50% successful, before I gave up) I did get the worst of it off, so your eye was not drawn right away to that mess. Then I taped the rubber seal off and used black silicone over the whole seal. I considered the Gorilla tape that I love, but as it was still not just perfectly smooth rubber, the tape would have left small gaps on the rough edges still there. (that stuff is also a bear to remove down the road) My silicone idea was a great temp fix-except for one mistake. I used 3-hour black gloss and what a huge mistake! It was hot outside, and after I beaded it on, I was very happy. It was looking good-until I tried to smooth down the beads. It took me only about 5 minutes to lay the bead around the seal on each side, but when I tried to smooth it over with a wet brush, it was already set up and dragged, leaving me with a slight texture like surface. Not what I wanted! I will never use 3-hour silicone again. It is what it is for now, no time to spend on the window replacement this month, I will put black-out window cover on the inside, so the light does not shine through and highlight it and a black out curtain, Still it's a 100% improvement, and will not leak, but I would not ever use 3-hour again, as there is no working time. (it has a super gloss, and a deep black though, and that deep black is hard to find)
  3. Hey Martha, your doggie is as pretty as you. I too am a nebie . Just bought a 1991 dolphin. I hope it runs as well as a fish can swim. Looking forward to getting into it and go. Perhaps we'll cross paths someday

  4. I got lucky, and my 89 Oddessy had 2 grand worth of double solar panels installed two years ago. They are 18 inches by about 24 inches each. Runs all the lights and stereo, the formers say.. I want to add four more, now that the main install is already done. I have never yet taken a "real" trip though as I have only had it one week. I would actually like to put in a solar -waterpipe heating grid on top too, so I am looking into that.
  5. I went over to my Toy to look at taking the window out, and it only has a rubber gasket frame. I can't find another gasket the same type in the 3 minutes I searched. The window will come out easy I see, but now as it's rubber in the interior too, I can't fiberglass over that, no doubt. Its also missing 2- inch sections on each side where it either shrunk or they measured the gasket short, and someone just gooped about a quarter cup of silicone in the gaps. Such a shame. Poor lil' baby.
  6. Crow For Breakfast Derek? Simple tastes. Sounds Southern! If I could find a guy to do it for $200, like seattleguy,I would do it in a heartbeat! I made this garden-rockinghorse once, by fiberglassing all this rough fiber-cloth on one of those little plastic ponys on springs for five year olds. then I grew moss on it. Tried to. Not so easy in 110 degree sunny weather. Another stupid project that wasted a week of my time. I did learn to glass in a rough fashion, and it is easy, unless you want to paint it and have it look presentable. I think I can handle the inside. Its just so messy and sticky! and the material is not cheap! John, I will print these fab detailed instructions and go take a look where I have it parked in a few days. In that picture, what is on the other side of that frame that looks like an "E" would not something be there? what is in that gap? is this new drawing then what you are saying happens in the water path as it travels to the inside?
  7. this pic is an 91, but my toy looks almost exactly the same, and it's smooth fiberglass 100% for sure on the exterior, so under the interior peeling wallpaper and plywood veneer, I am hoping to have enough to lock onto with some fiberglass cover. I am getting rid of that solar heater! The only thing I am worried about is not creating a pocket that water can go down into, and get all moldy or funky. I would prefer not to have to take the window out at all, and just take off the 1 inch thick gobbed up silicone, and then seal it-good -enough. on the outside, and 100% on the interior. Maybe there is even a soft putty that can seal it on the outside, like the old-fashioned kind?
  8. That finished job is just beautiful. I love the neat look. Sadly it looks expensive though. I will have to go with Johns snap on curtain idea, but will be using heavy duty black-out backed curtain material, a panel at Walmart is $11.00 -snaps another $5.
  9. What was the cost of the fiberglass job? Labor costs will shut me down. My new 89 has a window leak, and I have not even yet looked at it close to see if its the frame or the window seal. (If I could even tell.)Someone gooped on about a gallon of messy silicone all around it. It looks horrible, I have seen less peaks on a lemon meringue pie! I was going to look into replacing it, as someone told me that you can't just take it out and then clean it and re-seal it (I don't quite believe that still) I have now had just one single day inside this, working on the start of the "restoration" and I already see too much heat comes through that window, so I like the idea of just getting rid of it! Maybe I will just clean off the gooped up silicone on the exterior, make it look neat. Then fiberglass the inside to seal it tight, and then put a nice thick foam and upholstery material over that, that way I don't have to be so neat on my "fiberglass" job. Fiberglass is not hard to lay on, its hard to finish, so I think (hope) I can handle that. I like that smooth window-less front look, but I know its out of my "willing to pay" budget. Thanks for the idea! I think I will do this half-version.
  10. Very good post. I just got my first TOY. Virginity lost. I am in love. (again) An 89 Oddysey in great condition for $3500! A freakin steal! This was done by haunting Craigslist for ONE YEAR! (and with a little luck and a prayer). I would rather have had it sooner, but just did not have the whole peanut at the right times.(and I was picky) Too many flippers out there trying to make a quick buck. You have to be the first one in the door or forget it. I just got LUCKY, for once! The last owners took out the oven/stove., to put it in their "new" 1999 $30,000 Rig, but they gave me a very nice -brand spankin-new burner top. Do I need an oven....hmmm? I can buy an Angel food cake at Costco. (and cookies) but that is a great space for a PRINTER! Thats what I like! (have the Microwave anyhows) I hate cooking odors inside my beautiful 4000 sq ft, home... so I am sure I will hate it more inside this. Can''t I pack a picnic table stove? better yet... OUTBACK? Mc D's' or even just PB&J? Heat... yeah this is a thought. 100+ S0cal summers... that''s my main concern though. I have 3 little-4-5lb Maltese babies- so motels were just a chore. ( all that lyin and sneakin) I am now concerned with all the tedious hours heat-gunning off all the faded/crispy old pinstripes, and re-wallpapering the interior,adding in surround sound for-him. Off the Grid? Yeah I don't want to ever give that option up, even if it never happens. Seen "Red Dawn" way too many times. Propane stays, and It is probably a must for that "off the grid" possibility, but maybe even that is a coddled existance. decisions.... I found the Manual in PDF on the internet. About as useful as a third tit.
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