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Everything posted by ednelson100

  1. Have not heard of or seen any 4cyl to 6cyl done on a Toyota motorhome but it's been done on the 4Runners. Here is one example. https://www.yotatech.com/forums/f160/22r-5vz-swap-126413/
  2. I drilled holes from the inside through the 1/8" plywood ceiling through the existing 2X2 wood ceiling cross members and through the thin existing aluminum sheet roof top. Can't remember how I located the existing cross members in the ceiling but since the oak is going to cover it you can dig around to find them. The u-metal bars do not touch the roof at all because they are lifted each end with galvanized metal blocks. Let me post a picture.
  3. Yes, Traveling quite often in the south during the summertime there was no way I could get away with no coach AC. I basically followed this procedure with some differences. http://toyotamotorhome.org/forums/index.php?/topic/9727-warrior-roof-sag-at-ac/&tab=comments#comment-89584 1. Made three cross members on roof top of galvanized u type metal. 2. Placed 2"X2" blocks under each end of metal cross members so could raise center of roof an extra 1/8" for better water runoff when rv is sitting level. 4. Ran galvanized 5/16 carriage bolts from starting inside though the new wood cross members, through the existing roof cross members, through new U-metal cross members. 5. Sealed carriage bolts holes on rooftop with silicone sealant. 6. Coated and sealed entire rooftop with : https://www.homedepot.com/p/Henry-0-90-Gal-887-Tropi-Cool-100-Silicone-White-Roof-Coating-HE887HS142/206029976?MERCH=REC-_-PLP_Browse-_-202091020;311174185;311174184;-_-206029976-_-N Though it was not a simple fix it was a professional fix and it came out just great.
  4. Here is what I have because I just love that Toyota symbol. I find them at the Salvage yards every time I go there. Hub caps $4 and center caps $2. They usually require spray painting but sometimes find ones in good shape. The center caps can also be found on the internet for around $10.
  5. I agree with Anthony, I have seen in California Toys going for almost double what you can get for them here in San Antonio.
  6. My TV can run on 120AC or 12VDC plugged in to cigarett lighter adapter. I bought this TV at Walmart for $100 years ago. Sounds like yours will only work off of ac.
  7. If the leak is only coming from where the steering shaft enters at the top then that seal is easy to pry out and replace with box remaining in the vehicle.
  8. When my motor went completely bad I rented an 8 cylinder uhaul truck and tow dolly and towed it 600 Miles home. Like Fred mentioned you have to fib about what you are going to tow, I said 1995 Toyota T100 pick up. It was really easy towing but was expensive. Afterwards I wished I had just checked around the area where I was broke down for a cheap towing PU and then just re-sold it when I got home. I doubt if that would work for you.
  9. Yes I have done it and then a few months later ended up replacing the whole box with a good one I found at the salvage yard. I believe I have some instructions I found online if you want them. It is not an easy job but I did it and it seemed ok but what ruined it is the adjustment screw you can see at the outside top of the unit that adjusts the ball bearings, you get that wrong and the box will be ruined in a few thousand miles. If possible only replace the seals that are leaking not completely overhaul the box and yeah stop leak additive is just a cheap band aid.
  10. They are generic for all RVs. I bought mine at the local RV supply store. Here they are on EBAY. https://www.ebay.com/i/293165861834?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=293165861834&targetid=539174540355&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9028058&poi=&campaignid=6470552772&mkgroupid=81274341727&rlsatarget=aud-762207186714:pla-539174540355&abcId=1139336&merchantid=101829629&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlJfsBRDUARIsAIDHsWrT25Lbmk54huW9ugWgASNFqn0WfFmO8bLE_eFet7c_0nS-6JTmAOUaAvOJEALw_wcB
  11. Stripper pole, that's funny. I'm going to get some pole jacks from home depot and experiment with them. Thanks for your help.
  12. Been putting my roof sag off and it is getting worse as WME predicted. I am about to start on a fix now. WME, Could you possibly post a picture of your inside banister fix? Thanks
  13. The sellers usually always say everything works fine. A few are flat out lying but I think the majority just don't know what they are talking about. If you get back to them they will say well I "thought" everything worked, or I didn't have any problems the last time I had it out last year, or my son told me everything was working OK, oh, the coach heater doesn't work?, I never use that heater, etc.
  14. Hey James, that is funny, because it is very similar to what caused my problem. I had moved the O2 sensor and just had it stuck with wire in a hole in the exhaust pipe temporarily until I finished my trip and then was going to fix it properly. It fell out and the wires had shorted on the hot exhaust. Apparently the O2 wiring is in with the fuel injection circuit and EFI fuse.
  15. Sounds like a fuel issue to me also. Intermittent issues are sometimes tough to diagnose. I once had a similar problem and replacing the fuel filter directly under the passenger door resolved it. If it's never been replaced, this may be a good time to do it.
  16. JFYI, I have a good transmission for sale that I took out of my 1992 ITASCA when I upgraded to 4.2L motor. 115K miles for $100 and could possibly deliver depending where you are located. 30 day warranty
  17. I am clueless as to what meaning this post has?????????
  18. Beautiful, and first one I have ever seen. What length? How much did you pay? How did you ever find it?
  19. My motor once died and would only crank but made no attempt to start. Unfortunately I was on the side of a highway with semis passing just a couple feet from me at 65MPH and it was getting dark. It was extremely stressful just getting out to look under the hood. Long story short, I got towed to a nearby RV park where I was able to trouble shoot the issue down to a blown EFI fuse. As soon as I got home I found a post on a different Toyota forum site on installing this simple pressure gauge so you will always know if you are getting fuel to the injection rail or not. It really helps in trouble shooting these kind of issues. Here is what you need: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fuel-Pressure-Liquid-Fill-Gauge-Kit-For-Honda-Civic-Integra-Blue/322480727617?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 To install, remove the bolt plug from the end of the fuel injection rail and screw the gauge in. I know it fits 3.0 and 3.4 and the original poster said it should also work for 22R and 22RE. For a period of time my gauge will continue to show pressure even after motor is turned off.
  20. When a motor turns over but makes no attempt to start it is either getting no fuel or no spark to the cylinders. The best place to start is determining if it is getting fuel. While someone is turning the key to start spray some engine starting fluid in the intake, if it attempts to start then your issue is fuel not reaching the cylinders. If nothing then you are getting no spark. This is what I use: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Super-Tech-Engine-Starting-Fluid-11-fl-oz/21618347?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1803&adid=22222222227025394652&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=80392907928&wl4=aud-481962823846:pla-111021284448&wl5=9028058&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=21618347&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAjwx_boBRA9EiwA4kIELqOfBKGeV1x5kDDAHTeKjSUyG5HglaOZNc57W8eQmH-GjeAYPKm3khoCEdQQAvD_BwE You can also squirt a shot of gasoline if you do not have starting fluid.
  21. My mistake, you have to search on 5VZE and it comes right up. BTW I sent Tom the spare ECM I had for $125 and he should get it July 3. He was pretty happy because he had been broke down in a parking lot having to pay fees for some time now.
  22. I think we are hijacking Tom"s post here just search on 3.4 and you will see my complete thread of the engine swap that myself and Defrag completed a couple years ago. It contains everything you would want to know.
  23. Huge improvement I pass semis and climb mountains with ease.
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