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Everything posted by 86Dolphino

  1. Well thermocoupler has been replaced with same result. Lights up for 2 seconds and then shuts off. So its safe to say it's not the thermocoupler. Any other ideas? I'm starting to wonder about the board and the solenoids.
  2. That's what I thought at first. My brother 1993 550 dolphin was doing that until he replaced the batteries. He currently has it plugged into his home.
  3. We found it this is it for future reference https://pantherrvproducts.com/dometic-atwood-36998-hydroflame-rv-furnace-igniter-electrode/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI66Xi0KXr6QIVLR-tBh2bEgblEAQYASABEgIWQfD_BwE
  4. It's hard to see but the model is 8012
  5. Sammy has pulled the thermocoupler out and used some sandpaper on it once already with no luck. I'm thinking he should replace it. I have tried to find the part but not having much luck. I did get this photo of the furnace
  6. Oh I thought they were all the same. There is 5 of us in the reno area and we all have the same furnace. But I'll get a model
  7. We thought that too. And sammy ordered one and it was the wrong one. Ymanyone happen to have a link for the correct thermocoupler?
  8. Hi all. I'm doing this post for my buddy sammy. He has a 87 seabreeze. His furnace was working great. Put a new blower motor in it and it was working great all winter. He went out last weekend and his heater wouldn't work. The blower will kick on and after 15 sec or so he will hear a click and the flame will light after about 3 sec the flame goes out it will then relight the flame for about 3 sec and go out it will do that 3 time then stop. If he turns the thermostat off and hack on it will run through the same process. Any ideas? We were maybe thinking bad solenoids maybe or bad lp regulator? Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Yep the burner was working. Last summer it worked kind of 45 and 50 degrees not ideal
  10. The fridge I have now is from like 2014 so not that old. It's a dometic. And I was just trying to be funny. Lol
  11. Well let's trade bahahaha 😀😂😅
  12. Main problem leveling, second problem never really cold enough. Latest problem 24 hours of being on 69 degrees. Ever since I gotten into the rv/camper hobby I've never had the fridges work real well. I love the concept of not using power and running off propane but for me its Beginning to be more of a hassle than it's worth.
  13. Hope all is well and safe. So I'm getting very tired of my absorption fridge and started looking at dorm mini fridges. I'm looking at a premium fridge model # PRF31600ms weighs 52 pounds and has a yearly kw usage of 270. If my father is right I think that converts out to 30 watts a day or 2.5 amps. Plus i added in my tv which is 36 watts or 3 amps (tv runs max 3 hours a night) I have 2 6v golf cart batteries with 215 ah ( I think) 130 watt solar panel mppt rover charge controller. I know I run some lighting but it's all LED at like 7 watts plus my water pump once and a while and my heater which runs for a hour may 2 hours total a night. Am I over burdening my batteries if I went the rout of the AC fridge?
  14. well based off of those photos if that's the extent of the damage i would buy new foam board the purple stuff from Home Depot. and and make sure to use a good piece of support wood/metal for the spare tire mount.and start rebuilding. when it comes to the cabinet above the bathroom sink you have 3 option salvage the old one, use the old one to copy out a new one, or go to Home Depot and buy a new one. they sell small cabinets that are 12x12 and different lengths unfinished. if you have more issues out side the rig and it all looks like that bathroom I would start buy pulling a wall completely off and rebuilding it. (Just remember its a lot of work) my brother and i just did that to a 1990 dolphin pulled the whole driver side wall off and the back bathroom wall off and rebuilt it all. it turned out great and the wall is stronger than ever but many man hours.
  15. I found out too its cold at night in the winter and my heater was going all night trying to keep up. I ended up going to home depot and buying this https://www.homedepot.com/p/R-Tech-1-in-x-4-ft-x-8-ft-R-3-85-Insulating-Sheathing-320821/202532854 its cheap and cuts easy and you can Velcro it to the windows. i put shiny side out. now that it is getting warmer i noticed it keeps my rig cooler inside. my curtains cover the foam board so you dont see it and from the outside it looks like foil. I may just keep it up indefinitely My furnace doesn't run all night now either.
  16. I ended up just pulling the rotors and calipers, caliper bracket and dust cover. I did put in all new bearings and races.
  17. well i did the swap last weekend and it turned out really good. I did take photos just need time to get them all together and put up. I will say this, you need to pull of the rotors, hubs, calipers, caliper bracket and the dust cover must be changed. the only difference i could see is the the calipers on the 1 ton are larger and the caliper mounting brackets mounting holes are slightly different and the dust covers look the same but they are not and need to be swapped out or ground down some. but over all the job was pretty easy and if you have changed rotors on a vehicle this job should be easy for you as well. when i have a little time i will add photos.
  18. For my Samsung open camera hit the cog and it's the first option
  19. That's a nice looking insulator. Makes mine look inadequate. Lol. But I dont have problems yet so I'm leaving it.
  20. There is a size limit to the photos. When taking photos for this site I reduce the size first
  21. I ended up replacing the whole top j rail with a gutter rail with a groove for the dometic bag awning I picked up. I really like how it turned out. I was originally going to use a 7 or 8 ft rail but decided to go longer roughly 14 foot or so. That way if I really wanted I could move the awning down some or maybe even have two.
  22. I have had bad altinators pass the test at orileys. And in fact it was on my toyota dolphin. But my scenario was a little different. Mine was over charging 17 to 20 volts. That too will cause your battery light to come on. I pulled it out bench tested it at orileys guy tells me its fine, I said I don't believe your machine. I'll take a new one. They are pretty cheap. Fixed my problems. And it came with a lifetime warranty.
  23. The gentleman is Kurt and he is actually turning into a 4x4. He had to pull these parts to put in a solid axle. He does have a automatic transmission for sale. But the rig itself he is keeping
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