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    • Hey all, hope everyone is well. having an issue with with the sunrader. break lights stopped working (both). I replaced the bulbs and swapped the fuse. still nothing. no voltage to the break light housing wire. tail and headlights working fine. overhead lights working fine. Any other suggestions on what to try? 



    • you can see i modified the rack to have it sit up higher.  when installed it sits level with the top of the  hose box 





    • I've tried some of the tapes out there in a pinch trying to get back home in other beaters I've owned. All failed quickly including the putties out there. A friend had his tail pipe wrapped in a  product by JB Weld that looks like a cast you would secure on someone's broken limb. He said it has held up for a few weeks which is much longer than the stuff I tried which lasted an hour or less. Anyway, it was JB Weld and was a fiberglass wrap white in color. JB Weld has other products that do not work for mufflers as I can attest to, but the white fiberglass wrap seems like a good very temporary repair, would probably get you a few miles while you save for a full tail pipe/muffler replacement. 

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