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    • 1 hour ago, fred heath said:

      You might have a bad start capacitor or a seized compressor on your rooftop A/C.

      Rooftop units draw a huge amount of amps when first starting.

      What gage extension cord are you using, and how long of a distance from your shore power connection? Too small of a gage wire or too long of a distance run would cause a voltage drop that would affect all the systems.


      You May have a transfer switch somewhere that supplies generator power to the coach. Not sure how the newer units are wired up. Troubleshooting will be a process of elimination. I’m not sure how skilled you are with electrical wiring. It’s hard to diagnose these issues online.


      Good Luck.  Fred

      Thanks Fred, it's far from the outlet for sure. I will start there. Also I am using a regular household extension cord. Will get a better one. I appreciate you!

    • You might have a bad start capacitor or a seized compressor on your rooftop A/C.

      Rooftop units draw a huge amount of amps when first starting.

      What gage extension cord are you using, and how long of a distance from your shore power connection? Too small of a gage wire or too long of a distance run would cause a voltage drop that would affect all the systems.


      You May have a transfer switch somewhere that supplies generator power to the coach. Not sure how the newer units are wired up. Troubleshooting will be a process of elimination. I’m not sure how skilled you are with electrical wiring. It’s hard to diagnose these issues online.


      Good Luck.  Fred

    • can't read the writing on the circuit breakers.  do any of them pop when trying the ac?    

         if you have an auto switch, you do nothing after starting the gen.  i don;t have auto switch so i have to plug the shore power cable into the gen outlet to use the gen. 

       makes it either or     shore power or gen

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