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  • Most Recent Three Posts

    • The motor idled fine last summer.  After a long winter our first trip this spring to Bigfork Montana was when I noticed the rough idle. I've put 755 miles on it since the rough idle. Is that enough miles to burn the valve? I've watched a couple youtube videos on the valve adjustment and one guy used a Honda motorcycle tool to compress the bucket. I'm pretty handy with tools and vehicle maintenance but old and have no shop, but I have lots of shade on the property. The Yotashop over in western Washington has shims ranging from 2.20 to 3.40 for $18 apiece and the adjusting tools for $45. I was a carpenter for 35 yrs so math is no problem but the old back is not what it used to be. I will do the adjustment if you guy's think I haven't put too many miles on it. I can't thank all of you enough for all your input!

    • In the motorcycle world there is a tool to hold the shim bucket down when turning the crank so you are able to then use a magnet/tool to get the shim out without having to remove the cam. I have a Yamaha xj bike and have had to swap out shims using a bucket holding tool. My particular bike has a bucket holder you can secure to the head. However, I've seen other hand held bucket holding tools for other bikes. Worth researching as not having to complete a lot of disassembly is a major time saver. You can learn online about cam lobe position on the shims for getting the correct measurement on both sides. Shop time will be costly. 

    • not much chance of it being ok if it ran with it like that for any length of time, the valve is burnt

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