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Toyota Advanced Member
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Everything posted by hamkid

  1. Mission accomplished for this project folks, thanks for all the help. See you on the next one.???
  2. I was also wondering if I have those wires connected to a battery would I also be able to connect a solar charge controller to the battery at the same time and receive power to the coach through solar panels?
  3. RV Dr. George is all out of reflect o lite 1400 series?
  4. I was thinking the same thing about the wire colors yesterday. I need to double check, the white wire I think might have been installed to power porch lights attached to the bumper.
  5. I emailed him, I also found these. http://www.vintagecampers.com/viewpart.php?partID=2966
  6. Derek you are correct, thanks for all the information folks. I will get on it and give updates.
  7. So install a battery in the empty container under the coach bench and everything will work as long as it is charged? Do you have any suggestions about what batteries to buy?
  8. Would anyone be able to explain how the coach battery system works, if I don’t have one will I still be able to use shore power?
  9. Got it fixed! First I cleaned the bulb bases and checked the wires behind the enclosures, I found an exposed wire behind the driver side light enclosure and wrapped tape around it. Next I replaced the bulbs and even replaced the bulb on the porch light just incase. I also had to install a new bulb in the front passenger side blinker unit. The only problem I have now is finding brake lense cover for reflect o lite 1400 unit, I was impatient when I first started the job and broke them off because the screws were rusted and I need to learn to slow it down sometimes. The first picture is with the head lights on, the second is with them off. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this post, I appreciate the help very much!????
  10. So I got the side that was not working to work, but now the opposite side stopped working. I’m not going to waste anymore time or money ? on trying to fix this issue. Any suggestions about what led fixture to buy? I would prefer a unit that aligns exactly with the screw holes on the original unit.
  11. Where can I find new curtains for this type of rack?
  12. What type of wood should I use for replacing the step?
  13. Thanks for the input, will do. In the mean time I am trying to find the bases for the table stands and seats, I found the bases for the legs but not for the seats. Any suggestions where to find them or what to type on google to shop? I only want the bases right now, I’m not sure how I want to configure the interior yet. https://www.walmart.com/ip/AP-Products-013-1112-Chrome-Round-Recessed-Mount-Table-Base/126647382
  14. These are the items I decided to buy. What do you think?? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000BGOJ9Q/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0006N5RW2/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0030453CI/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. This is my 1985 escaper I purchased in November. This weekend I removed the carpet and started to clean it. After I removed the carpet I noticed holes in the floor where I believe the table used to be. I also found that the floor in the door way right when you walk in was rotting. I am a total rookie and was looking for suggestions. Any input is appreciated.
  16. Or should I get this one with cap? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0006N5RYK/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1512592892&sr=8-10&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65
  17. Any opinions about this product? https://www.amazon.com/Valterra-Products-T1020-Termination-Bayonet/dp/B0006N5RW2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1512589413&sr=8-2&keywords=rv+waste+cap
  18. Is the grey water tank you are referring to a totally different tank from the waste tank? Please excuse my ignorance, I am totally new to the R.V. World.
  19. I purchased a 1985 toyota/Damon escaper that did not come with the proper equipment to dispose of waste properly. Where can I purchase the cap and hose so that I will be able to use the drain at a facility?
  20. Please explain how to check the grounds. The first picture is the brake lights working with head lights off, the second is them not working with the head lights on.
  21. Thanks for all the information. I have been web surfing around all the links and suggestions you all have been giving and have came to the conclusion that I should just invest in a solar starter kit. I am currently looking at the Renogy solar web site. Does anyone have suggestions or experience with this company and their solar products?
  22. So would it be better to purchase a pure sine inverter? How did you know this unit was modified sine wave? I am just learning about electric systems and the different mechanisms people use in their rv’s for power.
  23. I do want to get a solar system installed in the future, but right now all I want to do is turn on a coffee pot or a vacuum when I need to. I was thinking of an inverter as a quick way to get power until I figure everything out. Also, please advise me on any solar systems that you recommend or use, any input is always welcome. This is the inverter I was considering to buy. https://m.lowes.com/pd/Power-Bright-2300-Watt-Power-Inverter/3125909?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA_ONLY-_-ToolsAndHardware-_-SosTrailerRampsAndTowing-_-3125909:Power_Bright&CAWELAID=&kpid=3125909&CAGPSPN=pla&k_clickID=c48542e6-512b-4747-a834-43ca8c916919&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj4qCrr6j1wIVAm5-Ch0h8AKmEAQYAiABEgL5_PD_BwE
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