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Status Updates posted by bajadulce

  1. Your avatar is still adding up the squares of that "isosceles" triangle :)

  2. this is like a mini shoutbox :).. wonder how many ppl mistake it for a search bar? Could get embarrassing :)

    1. 90toydolphin


      lookinjg around the site for a shout box. haven't found anything labeled as such??? obviouly it must not be labeled as such.

    2. 90toydolphin


      lookinjg around the site for a shout box. haven't found anything labeled as such??? obviouly it must not be labeled as such.

    3. bajadulce


      ya shoutbox was disabled. Kinda miss being able to interact w/ members in a candid environment such as the shoutbox. Guess ppl weren't using it properly and so it was axed.

  3. That's a fun lookin ride you got there Chatty

  4. hey, what's this fun little chatbox? hello peoples! :)

    1. dayoff53


      I just notice your new avatar. It reminded me of my other hobby - home winemaking. "Why?" I assume you would ask... Well, it's all in the labels. Check out my wine label gallery at http://picasaweb.google.com/dayoff53/Wine?feat=directlink.

  5. Hi! I like your rader! The windows in front don't wrap around? I guess they were a bit different for 81 and 80. looks like a fun camper.

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