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Posts posted by 5Toyota

  1. I have and will buy the nexen sv820 and out here in the west it was I think rebranded the thunderer road ranger  and sold in the 450 stores of Les SHUAB. one thing   if the west biggest tire outfit or any good outfit anywhere has much trouble with a tire  or a company they dump them. they don't want it . don't know if firestone ever learned that.

  2. on another note  you cant belive what some people will do . talk about gross out . we where at a dump station a few years ago. when 2 men walked by one of them picked up the flusher hose that was there  and took a drink from it looked at us and then left . we were floored  . still cant belive that one .

  3. I just came back from a 7 day remote camping trip . I fill my tank with chlorinated city water . thus after bleach treating at the start   of the                         season and flushing ,I would never know the difference. I also took 20 gallons more  water  in 4     5 gallon drinking water tanks. with                 which I  twice refilled my tank with a plastic funnel and a 1 gallon bailer.

  4. in the early 1970s bernzomatic sold a propane  lantern that came with a red 14 oz refillable cylinder  I still have it and a brass refiller . the difference in the one i have is the little bleed screw. instead of a tire valve type it is a like a 3/8 nut must be open and close with a wrench when liquid comes out. and the label says refillable. other then that I never could see any difference.

  5. don't have to be just dogs either . at that camp I was at one of those drunks had a mule and a horse that he was letting run wild  thru everybody elses place . I collared him on that yelled at me  after I said are those yours tie them up. I never knew of any kind of real stockman who let his animals run loose all over the place. this was the same bunch. maybe  atvs would have been helpful a little DUI arrest would be ok with me . 

  6. i was at a dry camp boon docking  99.9 of our camping .is what we do . i see of all things a cargo trailer come in behind a truck with a chest freezer setting on it . which they run on a generater the whole time . bring horses which they never ride . and stay loud  and drunk the whole time a med group . thankfully they were a ways down from us.

  7. yikes I payed 38 $ and I thought that was more than enough at a local rv place.      and I just bought one of the new replacement lenses. claims to be made out of better plastic. cost ten dollars    we will see .   

  8. so great to here it is good to  go . and now you are a total authery on rebuilding one of those tanks.i never heard of the junk autostop until I fixed my       frends. and as for junk people at propane plant we had one hear to was an old bag of a women. I here she is gone too  the kind of people who are so nice you never miss them .

  9. I used a 5000 btu stuck in the right front door window on a table made to fit in the window. in my 18 feet 78 minimax was on full hookup in pasco wa st very hot country. maybe a little lite in daytime . not bad though 75 inside  95 plus outside. stuck a small fan on the floor between the front seats to help . was very comfortable to sleep. cost of ac 100 bucks. make window plug out of lexan Velcro on out side of door. my son bought a brand new 17 foot jayco 3 years ago came with a factory mounted 5000 btu wall unit.

  10. I am familiar with the point set up  after some time in 1975 they do not use a condenser the points are controlled by the square box mounted on top of the coil it is called the igniter. that may be bad. unless someone has bypassed the igniter and there is a method to do that and installed a condenser. originally  in case of it failing you could wire around it and install a condenser. the vintage Haynes books told how to do that. sometimes the coil does fail also. 

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