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Posts posted by WME

  1. There's independents who haven't figured it out yet. But the company truck are running at 65-68 or so on the interstates. Secondary road speed limit is 65mph and the trucks run the same 65-68 on them :omg: . The trucks from Swift are now running at 62mph and make a great drafting partner if you don't mind a little buffeting. :rolleyes: . It sure is different when one of them drafts you

  2. Still waiting for the grey water tank we ordered, but it should be here soon. And last week, bought a new dometic fridge. We took a trip to CA in our car, but was checking out places to stay and best routes to take for the trip when we take the dolphin!!

    I was relieved to see most RVs on the road seemed to be traveling much slower than the cars. I think the trailer speed limit?

    Anything getting less than 10mpg is going slower these days. Even here in Wy the days of 75 mph 18 wheelers are past,

  3. Hope you have the steps memorized, cause you will be doing it again :( WD-40 is a very poor OIL, does other things well though
    I ve just soaked the bearings in Mobil 1 overnight. The bearings are called oilite bearings they are designed to soak oil into them.

    If all else fails http://www.ebay.com/itm/Telco-232651-Blower-Motor-12DC-Heat-Pump-Furnace-Suburban-RV-Camper-Fan-Heater-/300951260591?pt=Motors_RV_Trailer_Camper_Parts_Accessories&hash=item461217cdaf&vxp=mtr

  4. Splices??? Bad connectors?????

    The max v drop for 12v is .36v, so your V at the battery is a bit low.

    BTW 16 ft of 4ga wire has a max load handling of 50 amps with the .36v drop figured in. So how much current are you pushing?

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