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  • Most Recent Three Posts

    • Hi, I have a 1981 huntsman and the problem is that it runs very rich, emits a lot of blue stinking smoke, and is impossible to be near while it is running. I replaced the carburetor with a new one, but the problem remained exactly the same. When I try to completely tighten the mixture bolt on the carburetor, the engine does not stall. I think that fuel enters the engine bypassing the idle system, but I can’t understand how this happens. Obviously the problem is not in the carburetor, since I replaced it with a new one, but in the system of vacuum lines that control its operation.

      If anyone has encountered such a problem, please help me with advice

    • I wanted to be able to see what traffic was in back of the vehicle behind me so I did something similar on my gooseneck sunrader trailer. I used a wireless system because I didn't want to have any cables between. Used the monitor up front that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket and has an on/off switch in the plug in. Then made a small camera mount that I could mount on one screw of my rear facing camper window on the inside center. I wired the camera to a lighted switch inside the camper door off of house battery. Whenever I'm going on the road, just reach inside the camper and turn the camera on, hit the button for the monitor in the tow vehicle and they link up and I have a rear view camera system! I got a 2 channel monitor so I will be adding a magnet mount batter powered camera for hooking up and backing into spaces. Mine is a DoHonest for $89.95 on Amazon, but there are many.



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