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    • You're not asking them to work on your RV. You're asking them to work on your truck. Is the leak truck related or in the motorhome. If in the motorhome try separate repairmen. One you need for a tune up and another to find the coach leak. I do see an RV repairman on the local craigslist so mobile service

      Linda S

    • I encourage you to research the Camroad.  I own a JDM Mitsubishi JB500 and have heard great things about the Camroad including more power and auto tranny.  BTW, I had a BLAST over 3 months in Baja with my little 4wd diesel JB500 dancing all over the soft sand and climbing the mountains.  The poor heavy sprinters tried following and dropped to their frames in the soft sand.  My concern is service and parts of which I'm trying to find in Portland OR and the west coast.  Let's keep in touch on what we find.

    • Hi,

      does anyone out there know mechanics in the twin cities area of MN willing to work on old RVs like mine? I have a 1990 Toyota warrior and need a tune up and a leak checked and repaired. Everyone I call says they don’t work on RVs this old anymore. 

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