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    • I actually heard from a woman at the shop.  As you probably know, just reaching someone took a few days.  Thanks for the info, I would be willing to drive to Napa at some point if other alternatives don’t work!

    • I talked to Dean a few weeks ago. If you were going to go to Napa he would make a large window.  Because of the age, there are too many irregularities to make a stock window fit. He isn't big on explanations so he just gave you a No

      Linda S

    • Hi Linda,

      I contacted the Napa window people last week and was told they no longer have the molds for the large curved windows on the older models, the windows without the clearance lights above them.  Sounds like they still have the smaller curved windows, for the models that have clearance lights over them.

      I’m just sharing this since I know windows are a hot topic.

      I’ll either try making my own at some point(sounds like Doug might have a pattern in the works) or I’m considering glassing in the corners and retrofitting non curved windows.  I was thinking it would be nice to have the ability to open a window in the bunk area.  It will be a while but I’ll post info when I tackle it.

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