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New Owner


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Hello everyone:

My husband and I just became new owners of a "do it yourself fixer upper 1986 New Horizon Motor Home". It is in dire need of much repair and we are slowly working on it. We have scrubbed and scoured it, painted the ceiling, replaced the flooring, repaired the leaking roof around the air conditioner, and made curtains.

But.......we unfortunately have no idea on how any thing works. We are looking for any manual or any information that may help us learn how to get the most out of our new baby. You don't understand, we dreamed of having one of these for years. My husband looked and looked (about 9 years) for this particular type and model of motor home and when we would travel out of state or go camping we'd see happy travelers in their motor homes we would just dream of how great it would be. Well, he found one within our means and we were so excited. We thought how great it would be to leave on Friday night and come home Sunday. How great it would be to just get away for weekends.

We didn't know that you had to have a generator (which wasn't there), we have no idea how to empty the toilet tanks, how to heat the water, how to really do anything with it and we are looking for any information on how we might really start enjoying it and not thinking that we have made a huge mistake.

Any information that you could pass on to us or give us any ideas on how to obtain owners information we would certainly appreciate it.

Thank you kindly,

Judy and Edwin Chinchilla

Edited by Judy
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Howdy Judy !(It's Howdy Judy time, it's Howdy Judy time- Eek- Sorry )

I will try to answer some of your questions. Waste tanks should be emptied once a week. You should have a waste hose somewhere in or on your MH. This is put on the waste tank outlet on the MH. The other end of the hose goes into the dump stations inlet. On the waste outlet of your motor home ( MH) there should be two waste gates that are hand operated. You grab ahold of the handles and pull sideways to the pipe to operate. Empty the sewage tank first, close the valve . Then open the grey water valve to flush any icky stuff out of the hose, then close the valve. By the way, ALWAYS use latex or rubber glove to do the above operation. Drain the tanks when you leave a site.

As far as how to operate your various appliances, Google the names of the units and get info that way. A generator is NOT neccessary. You can run your engine and charge your House battery that way in most cases.

Use bottled water or water from a campsite pump for potable water. Use the onboard tank for toilet and washing use. Fill the tank at the site, if you use all the water, dump the sewage and grey water tanks, and refill. When you leave a site , drain the water tank except for about five gallons. This will allow you to use the toilet on the road , if needed, but will cut down on weight hauled.

Hope this helps some.

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