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About Jimbo121

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  1. Very helpfully info..thank you all. It is a 5 lug and has duel tires in the back. So I should swap the duels for one?
  2. Well i took a look at it today. I check the appliances, they all worked except the fridge. There was no water damage anywhere and they have a cover on it so It looks like they do take care of it. The inside is very clean. It is in Michigan so it has a good amount of rust on the undercarriage and the leaf springs look pretty rusty as well. It had 5 lugs on the tires..I heard this is a recall...how bad is this? It took a little bit to start but once started she ran smooth. I was unable to test drive it today but I am going to go test drive it next week. It was leaking some oil from the head gasket and the fuel gauge does not work. The offer I suggested was 2500$ cash how does this sound to yall?
  3. Thank you for the tips!! this will help a lot I will keep yall posted.
  4. Thanks for the info. I was told that the fridge does not work. Have you incounterd this before? Is there a rough price that a new one would cost...if I could find one..
  5. Hello, I am going to be looking at a 1984 Toyota Sunrader withen a couple days. Its a 18 foot, 22R engine with 84 thousand miles, manual transmission. Since I am rather new to these toyota motorhomes I am hopping I can get some suggestions on what to look for when going to test drive this Sunrader. Any information you could tell me would be very helpfull....thank you.
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