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Everything posted by Jimaiah

  1. Yes and Yes! They were dead before he replaced it and no change. I'm calling blinkers what you probably refer to as turn indicators. Any idea what else it might be?
  2. We bought a 1981 Toyota Huntsman mini (72K) about a year and a half ago for $2700. I LOVE IT!!! I take my grandsons on trips and camping. I love the ease of handling and getting around in traffic and parking, AND THE GREAT GAS MILEAGE! While on our way home a couple of months ago, I was pulled over in Nevada just at dusk. The officer said that his concern was that on a 75 mph speed highway, my speed of about 55 - 60 on the uphills put me in danger of getting rearended by someone not paying attention. Just prior to getting stopped, I had decided to put on my emergency/hazzard flashers for this very same reason. The in-cab indicator was showing them as not operating. I was hoping that it was wrong, but alas, evidently not. I had noticed a couple of times in the recent past that the blinkers sometimes would not work immediately and had to be turned off and on a couple of times to work. Now they are just plain dead. My husband tried to replace the gizmo (I think it was a relay switch) under the dash, but that did not work. Any ideas out there? I really love to use it but am a little leary of driving without blinkers. I absolutely don't need an accident or any road rage episodes aimed at me, especially with the kids along! Thanks for any input!
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