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Everything posted by Everyday

  1. Thank you again for all the replies! amazing help and advice. Recently just posted on CL http://cosprings.craigslist.org/cto/2893401541.html wondering what you all thought of this one. Has half the miles of 1989 Win Warrior I posted earlier though missing some information about the engine etc. You can't really see a ladder in the back in the picture either so I would definitely want to get up there to inspect the roof. I am not sure if the dolphin is "better" or "worse" than the warrior manufacture wise. Neither post mentions a generator so I doubt they have one but I can work something out for that eventually. Let me know what you all think and I will probably be calling this one with more questions later today. Also, does each state have a different law on where you can park your RV? I live in the city and probably wouldn't have anywhere to put the RV for now besides a public street and I doubt that would go over well. I don't want to pay for an RV storage (well maybe for a couple months to get things in order, but rather not). I have a friend that has some land about 2 hrs away but if I wanted to work-on/clean/fix etc the rv I would have to drive up there every time for even the smallest things...either way just wondering about public street parking laws. Bobeery- thank you for the Michigan state park idea. I would like to see that area eventually so it is worth giving it a look, as long as I can stay in one spot during the 2-3 month commitment. 5toyota- trust me, I have looked on here as well. I would like to stay local to Colorado to find a rig though, but one may pop up heh linda s- I never thought about auctions (besides Ebay) while looking for an MH. The auction you posted is about 3hrs away from me but might be worth it if that little Sunrader is there. I'd have to know a little more about it though. I cannot drive a stick shift anymore due to my injuries so that would be pertinent info before the drive, things like that. Thank you for the link! Derek- thank you for all the posts and advice. The head room in either is not an issue. I am 5'6 on a good day HA! Thank you all again!
  2. Thank you all for the replies! Maineah- thx for the tips on what to look for if I do go and check one out. I didn't even really think about the frige (seems like a no-brainer), but like you said it can be a big fix cost. Derek- the Andy Baird site was great! Nice to see how he went about getting ready, what he wanted to do etc. The VA hospital isn't a big deal, not much they can do at this point just need my meds for a few months at a time no biggie. The military installation stay is a good idea. I know some sites are very strict on who they let in even if they are veterans or other service members but maybe there would be a few, I'll have to check it out. Mulwyk- thank you for the insight on your summer trips. you guys traveled more than I might in a month and ate out more than I probably will, along with the fact that there are two of you so might just able to make this work. Speaking of work, I was looking over some other forums and there are places to work if you stay at that camp site or something like that. This could give me the small edge per month to either live more comfortably or put more into the emergency fund for repairs etc. This could be very interesting considering the fact that I don't have any other online type of income some of you very creative people are doing with antique sells/graphic design/etc. Dolphinite- I am worried about problems that will occur along with road. With time and wear and tear something is bound to happen and without really having that emergency fund could put me in a real bind. stealth/boondocking/drycamping will be must and like I said maybe just 5-8 days at an actual campsite to fill and drain my tanks and do everything that I might have the luxury doing while boondocking. Maybe I could find some supplement income from some areas I stay in, as mentioned above. 90toydolphin- yeah my mileage should be lowish. somewhere around 300-500 miles. find a spot, stay there a few days drive a little bit down the road, stay a few days. Those days could turn into weeks if I like the area for sure. I will definitely be a snowbird. The mpg was never a deal breaker for me I just really like the layout of the toyota MH's and the fact they have toyota engines. My pickup had over 300k miles on the 22re when i sold it to friend. My parents say they still see the truck being driven around my hometown! I owned the 3.0 V6 as well but had more problems than I wanted to deal with (probably me lacking on the maintenance). The older V8 C's are neat too for sure, I have looked at those as well, but the older ones are usually carbureted and it would just be nice to have something fuel injected (I have had trouble with carbureted engines in the past). I don't mind the smaller living space (I stay in a very small place as it is...but without a new view every week or so!) and I see my self outside more often than not (as long as I can handle). Thank you again for the replies! It is an inspiration to hear back from those who have been on this journey. I know there is a more to learn but first and foremost...I should probably just go get the dang RV! LOL I will probably keep looking though but I don't want to wait to long (some were saying they get more expensive as the weather gets better...naturally).
  3. Hello all, I have been reading the forums for a while now and decided to sign up so I could post. A lot of helpful and inspiring people here! I have been looking for a smaller rv, C class if possible rather than a B van syle and the Toyota motor home has caught my eye. I have been looking for a few months and just can't pull the trigger yet. Let me just give you all a run down on my situation. I am a recently medically discharged veteran from the USAF. While not going into detail, I have left side lower extremity issues and some head problems...anyways! I have been out of the military for about a year and I can't really fit back into society very well. My goal is to get an RV, see the US (maybe Canada up to Alaska) and work things out for myself. This would be FULL TIME rving. I am not new to going out and surviving but I am new to the whole RV thing. I have done a lot of research so I won't ask any questions regarding rving at the moment (maybe some electronic/dry camping/etc questions later). I like to plan everything to the "T" but I am wanting to jump head first into this RV idea and work around it as it evolves. I receive roughly 950$ take home a month from my disability pension and I was hoping that would be enough to support me. Traveling about 300-500 miles a month (unless I find an area I really like), finding mostly free camping if possible but going to paid campsites for water/dump/refill/ etc roughly 5-8 times during the month (not sure how all that works yet). If anyone has a rough estimate of what their fulltime rving month costs, small breakdown of things. I am mostly vegetarian so my diet is quite simple and cheap. I don't have a wife/girlfriend/kids. I do have my little dog who will definitely be coming with me on this journey. I don't own a house and I have little amount of possessions that could be stored with friends. I have no debt and probably enough cash to buy a decent Toyota MH. I live in Colorado at the moment and found this Toyota on CL, wondering what you guys think http://denver.craigslist.org/rvs/2872846552.html I haven't called on it, so it could be sold or whatever but just wondering if that is something I should shoot for. It has high miles but the tranny was just replaced and 22RE (owned a toyota pickup when i was younger) is a great engine. Besides not knowing about any roof issue/electrical/etc seemed ok to me. I know some of these questions don't revolve around toyota RV's specifically but it seems some of you are fulltimer rvers with toyota MH's so it seemed viable. Sorry if to much information is spilled on this page but I just wanted to give you folks an idea of where I am coming from to hopefully help give me some advice/help/ideas. THANK YOU!!
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