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Everything posted by Tundrader

  1. I don’t but if you go to my Instagram and scroll back to the beginning it has all of the steps documented fairly well, @tundrader on Instagram or Instagram.com/tundrader . My engineer friend had a lot to do with the mounting, I would have been screwed without him, western Edison for anyone who is looking for a Toyota nerd with a CNC machine and a pile of other toys, he makes Toyota components under the name Green Lane (@greenlaneoffroad on Instagram) best toni
  2. It’s amazing! Rock solid again! Super happy I googled “rectangular Rv door lock” after 1 year of searching for used sunrader locks 😂
  3. I have an ‘88 sunrader on a ‘07 tundra cab and chassis, with the original camper door lock... I have “fixed” it a few times but I think it has finally kicked the bucket and the camper doesn’t tend to stay locked easily... I want to upgrade the door lock system and wondered if anyone has had any luck with these things : https://www.pplmotorhomes.com/parts/maintenance-hardware/rv-locks-handles-storage-hardware/door-knobs-locks/door-locks/lock-rv-motor-home-entrance_31-8078 looks to be the same shape as the hole, would obviously need to cut a hole in the fibreglass for the deadbolt to slip through, and another to receive the deadbolt, but I am willing to do so if it means I can toss this original... any help would be much appreciated *update* - if anyone in Canada (or the US) is looking for one of these, I just found a place that supplies them, looks identical to the original... should have almost bought 2 haha https://www.reflectwindow.com/products/mobile-home-or-r-v-door-lock -Toni
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