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  • Most Recent Three Posts

    • Your burning oil. Rings or valve issue. Not good

      Linda S

    • Blue smoke usually denotes oil getting into the combustion chamber. This could be from a blown head gasket or bad rings or valves.

      Rich running engines produce black colored exhaust smoke. There would also be a strong smell of fuel. White smoke means water is getting into the combustion chamber. Blown head gasket is the usual cause.


      Do a compression test on all cylinders and see what you get for a reading. A vacuum gage on a manifold port will also point you to possible causes.

    • Hi, I have a 1981 huntsman and the problem is that it runs very rich, emits a lot of blue stinking smoke, and is impossible to be near while it is running. I replaced the carburetor with a new one, but the problem remained exactly the same. When I try to completely tighten the mixture bolt on the carburetor, the engine does not stall. I think that fuel enters the engine bypassing the idle system, but I can’t understand how this happens. Obviously the problem is not in the carburetor, since I replaced it with a new one, but in the system of vacuum lines that control its operation.

      If anyone has encountered such a problem, please help me with advice

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