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Posts posted by Ace57

  1. Get a good old can of coffee and sprinkle it all around in side good. Put the whole can in and shut the door for 2 or 3 days it should do it.

    We would do that to semi trailers that would come in smelling bad and some of them had some bad stuff in them that would sometimes be in them a week or so. That should do it.


  2. I was planning on going to the fall rally untill I saw it being held in IL. I just have a hard time spending money in a state with toll roads. I look at it like this, if I have to pay to come to your state then I won't spend money on gas, food, or what ever in that state, but if the state has no tolls then I have money to spend in it just not both.

    I know it's kind of silly but that's just the way I am.

  3. Thats funny I too had run ins with American Ins. I was with them over 30 years had house, cars. jeeps, trucks and motorcycles insured with them and never a claim but every year the same thing higher and higher and by alot. I got fed up with them and dropped them, the 1st year alone I saved a bit over $600.00 that was one of the better things I have done.

    By the way I live in Wi. too.

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