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Posts posted by bokwus

  1. Several people have stated that the datsun chinook gets around 26 to 27 mpg as compared to the Toyota Chinook's 19 to 21 mpg. Why is there such a difference in performance? Is the Datsun as reliable as the Toyota?

    Thanks - John

  2. As a new recruit - with so many many toyota motorhome models and mechanical options, hard to make choices. I like the shorter ones. The Sunrader and Chinook appear to be the fiberglass models with better leak-proof cabs. Are there others that are made from molds? Does the Sunrader come with a one-ton chasis and rear-end as well? Are some of the other models better constructed than others and are some less prone to leaking than others? I am looking at a mini-cruiser now and wonder how well they are constructed. Thanks for any help. John

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