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Everything posted by pandu

  1. Aah, Dave, I mis-spoke myself there. The inspection I meant was the 'used car' inspection I had done upon purchase with my local garage.I had him give it the once over. He felt the ride was quite bad and I, not knowing what the ride is supposed to be, didn't really know. So I took it to the spring shop and after a discussion of choices opted for whole new springs. After all, my HouseCar is near 30 years old.
  2. That brings up a good point. I'm not totally sure just what Toyota this is. Are our HouseCars based on the old Hilux or maybe the T100?
  3. Thanks. Sounds like we have almost twins. I've posted mine as my picture but for some reason it seems not to show up with my name. Did you feel that when using rubbing compound you had to go lightly on that painted siding? Or wasn't it an actual rubbing compound you used? My HouseCar passed its mechanical inspection with flying colors except he sent me to a spring man for suspension checking. It was sagging a bit and had about 3 added springs which weren't doing the job. So it's in for the weekend and is getting brand new custom built springs. Will cost about $650. Then I'm getting an alignment and with the new tires I'll be set for some cruisin' to nature's wonders! I'll post a pic with this reply.
  4. Yeah, that's my first thought, too. Quick internet search shows no Toy truck from the 80's but I don't know if I should trust those searches.
  5. Just got my '84. The space in the middle of my grill is blank. I'm thinking it should have a TOYOTA face plate in there. Anyone know where I might find one?
  6. Mine has no power steering or air. So, simplicity rules here. Just had a full inspection done and he thinks it's a wonderful machine. Very impressed with it for its age. The only thing he thought needed looking at was the tires and suspension. I had already made an appointment for new tires which go on tomorrow morning. 6 Hancooks 8 ply load D. And after that it's going to the spring shop to see what suspension stuff is needed. My mechanic said they can rebend the leaf springs if they are in good shape which they appear to be. No air bags on this one but I'll see what the experts say tomorrow. After that I'll get it aligned and all that undercarriage stuff will be like new.
  7. I just purchased my first ToyHome and it is identical to yours (84 Dolphin with 22r engine and 4 spd stick), even the year. It is carbureted and came with a log book of full history of fill-ups and mileage. It gets 18 mpg. Funny how that is. I don't think I'd want to try and find an injected one.
  8. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Just bought my 1984 Dolphin 22R 4 speed manual yesterday. Nice condition overall. No leaks. No rust. Getting 6 new Hancook tires on Friday. Having my mechanic go through it completely tomorrow to see what it needs or will need soon. And next week having a new fan/vent installed over an old fan-less vent (no air), complete re-caulking job on the exterior and a new awing installed (didn't have one). This is going to be a good Summer here in Michigan. Beautiful beaches at the State parks all up and down the coast as well as some National forest camping. Happy to be in The Toy Club! The siding is not as bad as most I've seen. It's faded some and dirty. I want to clean it up and wax it if that is the best. One friend said to use aluminum siding cleaner and go that way. The man down the road at the RV place said to use automotive materials. Lightly rub it out with rubbing compound and wax it. Does anybody have experience doing either one of these things or maybe even some other technique?
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