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Posts posted by hoswan18

  1. Thanks!  Here's the CL posting:  https://hanford.craigslist.org/rvs/d/hanford-1989-toyota-odyssey-mesa-lounge/6804113080.html

    I get the sense the owner is a very honest, straight-shooting individual.  The ad on Toyota RV didn't have the rebuild pictures so when I saw them on CL I was a bit surprised.  

    Also, I gather there were a few years (late 80's, early 90's) when there was a head gasket recall on some engines?  What can the community share about this?

    Thanks in advance for anyone's feedback!

  2. Thanks, Linda.  Here are a few more photos of the rebuild in process and the current status.  The first ad. I saw didn't show the rebuilding pictures, but when I saw them in a different post it gave me pause.  The owner has been very upfront and honest about the vehicle.  He's done lots of work on the interior (replaced underlayment with marine grade plywood and then put vinyl flooring down) and three coats of sealant on the roof.  Clearly, there have been leaks in the past (as he's freely acknowledged).  To what extent is this common with all the models other than the Sunraders? Also, is it inappropriate to link to the craigslist ad so you good people can read all the details?  Much appreciated!


    passenger side.jpg

    rear interior.jpg

    rebuilt rear.jpg

    overcab rebuild.jpg

    Rebuilt front.jpg

    overcab rebuild II.jpg

  3. My wife and I are close to purchasing our first Toyota motorhome.  The vehicle in question (1989 Dolphin) looks great overall and the current owner clearly has invested time, materials, and energy in making upgrades.  The ad on craigslist shows part of a reconstruction process to address past water damage. It looks like mainly to the overcab area and the exterior portion of the rear wall.  The owner also freely states that he replaced the right side and rear framing with treated oak instead of fir as well as moisture resistant wood in the overcab area.

    On one hand, I appreciate seeing the prior damage but it makes me wonder what else can't be seen.  Is it common for most non-sunraders to have some leakage, even if it never makes it into the cab or coach?  This vehicle is in the central valley of CA, not a particularly rainy place. I've attached a picture of the rear exterior wall during reconstruction.  Is this normal?  Should I be happy the current owner is so upfront and transparent or walk away and hold out for a sunrader?

    Thanks in advance for your insight.  I can link to the whole post if that will help folks help me assess...



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