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Posts posted by hollyrae24

  1. 1986 Dolphin. Rear bath. Aluminum roof.

    ok. It leaks. The rear below the window is wood dust. Roof leaks at least the drivers side cabover area. Looks like it’s been leaking from all 5 running lights across the top of the cab over. And sagging roof with leaks at some point around the 2 vents (cabover escape hatch and vent in the middle between the cabover and AC.



    one suggestion was to remove the aluminum roof, rebuild rotted wood and glass it over with fiberglass.... no more seams! Sounds good to me.... flex issues maybe? This would be done for the rear and cabover as well. The only seems left would be on the bottom which will eventually have to be taken care of. 


    (If I do this I will be having the guy slightly curve the roof in the middle so water runs off.

    If this is a bad idea.... what are your suggestions? 





  2. It is dried out. Everything has been stored inside in the valley for 10 years. The rot occurred from the owner before them. That didn't answer my question at all. And what a negative response. I thought the point of this site was for people to be helpful. Sheesh.

  3. I havn't but that link is way helpful. and it narrows it down to 4....I'm pretty certain its KRV08523. I'm going to take my computer and piece of gasket to a local window place and have them measure the gasket to see which one is closest. I'm tempted to follow my gut and just order this one. One foot of it and cross my fingers. if its wrong i'm only out like $10.00

  4. All the gaskets on my windows are so old they are more like plastic than rubber. Some of them have dried up so much they have shrunken and the corners have pulled off. So I wanted to replace them. I googled it, they are called wedge gaskets and I can only find them in the UK... So I'm wonder what the best solution for this is? Do I just use silicone all the way around? Its a huge gap and would require lots of silicone. Do you guys have pics of what you have? 


  5. The bottom of my motor home has SUPER think aluminum sheets protecting the wood flooring from the elements. At some point a 2'x2' sized area was ripped of by a boulder (???) right beneath the dinette. The wood rotted and I almost put my foot through it so I'm replacing it. I have no idea where to find aluminum that thin to out beneath it? What would I call that? When I look for aluminum sheeting I find really thick stuff.

  6. So.... The walls are mostly dry rot. Especially the back and the cab over. It is not a project I can take on at the moment. My long term plan is when my son is old enough for me to do a massive project, I will do a complete rebuild... (2 years from now) 

    For now, its all dry rot. I had a mold inspector check it. I need to get it water tight for the next 2 years so it doesn't develop mold issues (I live 1 mile from the beach). I'm doing all the obvious things like caulking the windows and roof etc... BUT... The rear bottom trim is falling off because the rot is so bad there is nothing for the screws to screw into... Same goes for the seam beneath the cab over. The rear is worse than the cab over.

    Since I want to rebuild I dont want to use something like bondo to stick it together. I'm wondering if I can use the non-leveling lap sealant (which i'm using for the roof  seams) and just use a ton of it? Wedge a 2x4 underneath the back to force it together while it dries? same for the seam under the cab over? 

    I'm a single mom with a 2 year old so no rebuild project, no matter how small is a possibility right now. All my fixes are "get it good enough for now" fixes. 

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