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We have had a smell issue with our holding tanks a few times, especially as they get full. We quit using the blue stuff a while ago and started using washing soda and laundry detergent w/ very good results, but we still got a smell when we were cruising along at 45 or so w/ the vent windows open.

After some research, we decided to spring for a "360 Siphon" vent from Camping World. The local store where we were at the time price matched the "discount" price we found online, so we bought it, took it "home" and installed it.

It has made a huge difference. I like it because it's simple, w/ no moving parts, and it is really quite effective.

Here's a link: http://www.campingworld.com/search/index.cfm?N=0&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&Ntpc=1&perPage=96&affiliateid=3641&gclid=CPSdp9L52MgCFU6SfgodF94LTg&Ntt=360+siphon&Ntk=primary

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Ya they are the real deal. I have installed them on all my rv vents.

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I installed these on both vent pipes on our 85 Dolphin with good results. One other thing to check, though: the vent pipe from our black tank comes out right next to the vent in the ceiling of the bathroom. I have a Maxx Air vent cover installed over that bathroom vent so we can leave that vent open all the time (also very helpful in keeping bathroom odors to a minimum).


The problem was, the vent pipe was venting directly into the bathroom roof vent. So I installed a piece of plexiglas as a deflector between the vent pipe and the vent. I was able to anchor it by screwing it into the side of the Maxx Air vent cover. This made a huge difference in that it keeps the odors from venting right back into the bathroom.

Check the position of your vent pipes relative to the roof vents. Might be another solution to odor problems.


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When you open the truck window on the road you create low pressure inside of the MH and it pulls the stink out of the tanks the weather vane things create low pressure in the tanks they are worth every penny you spend on them.

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